Summary of the COVID-19 protocol School and nurseries of the Basque Country
The return to school in the Basque Country scheduled for the 7th has a scenario three perspectives of stages or levels according to the instructions of the Department of Health of that community. The first scenario is normal, therefore in person. They also take into consideration a second or intermediate scenario, in which the health conditions advise taking preventive measures that would make the centers adopt a fairly flexible organization of the teaching activity, this would facilitate alternating and even simultaneous face-to-face activity with telematics; and a third assumption, which contemplates confinement and non-face-to-face educational activity.
The following measures are envisaged as alternatives
−−The teaching will be organized in "stable groups" of coexistence in Early Childhood education and in 1º and 2º of Primary that should try to avoid "mixing" and "interacting" with other groups in the educational center.
- Maintaining the appropriate distance of at least 1.5 meters is impossible to maintain, the use of a mask will be mandatory from 3º and it will not be necessary when the students are seated at their desks as long as the aforementioned distance can be maintained.
- Active transport (walking or bicycle) to the center and the beginning will be facilitated and encouraged, in addition the end of the school day will be staggered, with a maximum margin of up to one hour, naturally depending on the number of groups and accesses with the that counts the educational center.
- Every effort will be made to minimize the movement of groups of students around the school and large assemblies and gatherings will be avoided. 260
Protocol update
Given the recent evolution of the pandemic, the Basque Government wants to update some solutions already included in the General Protocol of Action of the Euskadi Educational Centers against the Coronavirus in the 2020-2021 academic year.
The aforementioned Protocol was sent to schools and the educational community at the end of June and later the document “Risk prevention measures in schools in the BAC in the face of the risk of COVID-19 was also released.
The measures that the Basque Government has recently adopted come to update these documents, as well as specify the dates of the beginning of the different educational stages, as well as identify the reinforcements destined to the different centers
Start dates
In the school calendar that was approved to begin this course, it established a generalized start as of September 7. But due to the evolution that events have taken, it is now intended that the return to classes take place in a staggered manner. In this way, the calendar is established as follows:
−−Infantil, Primary and 1st and 2nd of ESO: the course will begin from September 7 (as established previously in each of the schools.
−−In 3rd- 4th of ESO and Baccalaureate the beginning of the course will be on September 15th.
Regarding Vocational Training, given the need to organize internships and workshops in work centers, students must be incorporated throughout the month of September, on different dates:
Higher Grade FP:
−−course: September 14
−−course: September 16
FP Medium Grade:
course: September 21
course: September 23
Basic FP:
When it is taught in VET centers
course: September 28
course: September 30
When it is taught in municipal centers:
course: September 14
course: September 16
Management in centers
Each work center will appoint a responsible person who will address the aspects related to Covid-19, a person who, together with the center's management, will be responsible for coordinating with Public Health.
Each of the educational centers will have a reference OSI (Integrated Health Organization). In this regard, without a student or teacher presenting symptoms compatible with COVID-19, you should not under any excuse go to the educational center. In the event that the case is confirmed, the educational center will immediately contact its OSI and follow the Public Health orders.
The monitoring, assessment and adoption of measures will be in charge of a Technical Commission that will exist in each territory and that will meet weekly. This commission will be composed of Public Health and Education. The Education-COVID Advisory Council for Euskadi will also be established.
Other complementary services
Regarding school transport, the recommendation is that students have their seats fixed on the bus and a list of the boys and girls who are transported by each bus is made, outlining the place that each boy and girl occupies. The students and the rest of the staff will use the mask at all times, except for children under 6 years of age for whom it is not mandatory to wear a mask; although it is recommended.
Lunch service
At the beginning of this course, priority will be given to the canteen service in centers with vulnerable students, according to the decision made by the center regarding the offer of canteen service and the measures established in the prevention regulations will always be respected. Occupational risk.
Hygiene and safety
−All the centers will have cleaning staff in the morning to reinforce the cleaning
−Monthly schools will receive 500,000 surgical masks after receiving 800,000 copies at the beginning of the year.
- At the beginning of the course, a new distribution of thermometers will be delivered, as was done in June, to cover the special needs of the centers (centers with more than one building, or centers that, due to their high number of students, advise having more than a thermometer, etc.).
−About 5,000 liters of hydro-alcoholic gel will also be supplied per month. The first week of September will begin the distribution of 10,000 500ml cans in schools.