Prepare for the Italian IT EXAM with this guide

Italian is the mother tongue of more than 63 million people and is the official or co-official language in 6 countries in Europe. Find out below what the Italian IT certificate consists of and how to obtain it. Nov 23, 2020 #Italian title #Italian

What you need to know to take the AIL Italian exam

The AIL exams belong to a professional association called Academia Italiana di Lingua (AIL), which brings together schools, institutions and experts in the teaching of the Italian language as a foreign language, in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). Nov 23, 2020 #Italian title #Italian

What you should know about the Italian PLIDA exam

The Dante Alighieri Italian Language Project or PLIDA is the exam that validates the skills of the Italian language based on 6 levels that are divided into oral expression, written expression, oral comprehension and written comprehension. Nov 23, 2020 #Plida #Italian title #Italian

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