How to learn to defend yourself in another language in a few weeks

We share some "secrets" so that you can have a basic knowledge of a foreign language in a short time, and also be able to maintain a conversational level conversation with a native speaker. Remember these communication skills that will be very useful! Dec 4, 2020 #Formation #tips #recommendations #Languages

Free resources to improve your English pronunciation

Take a look at today's article, in which we are going to leave you with certain tools and methods to learn to pronounce better in English. It is important to familiarize yourself with the accent and to distinguish the different phonemes Dec 4, 2020 #Formation #tips #English #learn English

Multilingualism is healthy

The importance of starting early in language learning. Studies reveal that it is a good idea in many ways and a worthwhile investment in education and even for health. Dec 4, 2020 #Formation #Languages #Advantages #Curiosities

Tips for learning vocabulary?

We provide some effective methods for memorizing words in the study of a foreign language. Manage time productively so that you remember the vocabulary learned and are able to use it in conversation. Dec 4, 2020 #Formation #tips #Languages #Curiosities

Tips for studying a foreign language

We share some basic recommendations to keep in mind to facilitate the goal of learning a new language. Some may seem obvious, but it is good to remember them and then feel how we progress through the process. Dec 4, 2020 #Formation #tips #Languages #Exams

Differences of Spanish between its autonomies

The Spanish language presents some differences depending on the region where you are. Grammar is largely maintained, but pronunciation and vocabulary may vary. The distinction of phonemes gives rise to lisp, lisp, voseo and yeísmo. Dec 4, 2020 #Formation #Spanish #Languages #Curiosities

Cervantes route for Spanish learners

Learn about the history of Don Quixote de la Mancha in person, visiting the magical places that had to do with this work. As Miguel de Cervantes said: "He who reads and travels a lot, learns and sees a lot". Dec 3, 2020 #Formation #Spanish #recommendations #Curiosities

Learn Arabic in Spain

Due to its influence and proximity, it is very interesting to learn the Arabic language. Know the pronunciation with its peculiar uvular sound. It is written with two types of fonts: Kufi or Naschi, and it is read from right to left. Dec 3, 2020 #Formation #Languages #Curiosities

Learn Portuguese: Differences Between Portuguese and Brazilian Variants

As a Romance language, Portuguese has many grammatical parallels with Spanish, although not in its pronunciation. Know the dialects and differentiate the accent between Portugal and Brazil. Dec 3, 2020 #Formation #recommendations #Languages

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