Faq. Preguntas frecuentes generales

What is the level of English C1?

To this question we answer that level C1 is the one that corresponds to competent users of the language, that is, those capable of carrying out complex tasks related to work and study. English level C1 (advanced) is the fifth level of English of the CEFR.

Upon completion of the C1 level of English, you can: 

With level C1 in your hands, feel like a competent user (advanced):

−−Understand a wide range of long and demanding texts, and recognize implicit meaning.

−− Express yourself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions.

−−Use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes.

−− Produce clear, well structured and detailed text on complex topics, with a controlled use of organizational patterns, connectors and cohesion devices.

How to certify level C1?

You can certify your C1 level of English by taking the Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) or C1 Advanced. You can also choose the C1 Business Higher, the IELTS, the TOEIC, the TOEFL or the Aptis, among others.

How long does it take to get C1 in English?

200 hours

How long does it take to learn English?

English level (CEFR) Number of hours of instruction
A2 to B1 300 hours
B1 to B2 200 hours
B2 to C1 200 hours
C1 to C2 200 hours


Reasons to choose C1 Advanced:

−−Monthly test dates available at 2,800 test centers around the world.

−Accepted by more than 9,000 educational institutions, companies and government departments.

−−Opens doors to travel, work and international studies.

As summary

A C1 Advanced qualification demonstrates that you can:

−− Follow an academic course at the university level.

−− Communicate effectively at the managerial and professional level.

−− Confidently participate in workplace meetings or academic tutorials and seminars.

−− Express themselves with a high level of fluency.

To know more about the C1 you can consult our pages:


Guide to prepare the C1:


To access C1 reading books


About the C1 English exams


About enrollment and exam dates for C1 English


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