What you need to know to take the AIL Italian exam
Taking an exam always implies a culminating moment that is accompanied by nervousness, expectations and goals to be met. But when it comes to a foreign language exam like Italian, applicants have something more: the hope of certifying their knowledge and achieving professional and academic goals. If we seek to certify ourselves in the knowledge of the Italian language to increase the chances of success, the AIL exam is the appropriate assessment.
What is the AIL exam and who is it for?
The AIL exams belong to a professional association called Academia Italiana di Lingua (AIL), which brings together schools, institutions and experts in the teaching of the Italian language as a foreign language, in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).
The AIL is based in Florence, Italy, and offers diplomas that assess the linguistic ability of candidates seeking to obtain a certificate in Italian . For this purpose they organize preparation courses known as Firenze .
Types, contents and duration of the AIL exams
- DELI ( Diploma Elementare di Lingua Italiana ). It is the most basic type of Italian exams , it corresponds to level A1 and A2 of the CEFR. There are the following degrees: the base, the threshold and the integration. It lasts 90 minutes. We must show the ability to interpret simple texts and communicate in everyday situations. The exam is divided into:
- Written comprehension (30 minutes). Six short texts and 15 questions with true / false options.
- Vocabulary and grammar (15 minutes). We will fill in the blanks using grammar forms.
- Oral comprehension (15 minutes). 15 expressions in a short dialogue and 15 questions that offer multiple answers.
- Listening comprehension (15 minutes). We will answer 5 multiple-choice questions based on five short sentences, 3 true / false answers on 3 short texts, and 2 true / false answers on a form.
- Interview (15 minutes). Description of various situations and an interview with 5 questions.
- DILI ( Intermediate Diploma di Lingua Italiana ). It corresponds to the intermediate rate, level B1 and B2 of the CEFR. It lasts 180 minutes. By passing this exam, we will be able to cope in everyday life situations and communicate adequately both orally and in written form.
- Written comprehension (30 minutes). It consists of two texts, followed by 10 questions with multiple answers.
- Written expression (60 minutes). It involves writing a text of 120-160 words and four questions with their answers written.
- Vocabulary and grammar (30 minutes). We will fill in 34 questions.
- Listening comprehension (40 minutes). We will complete six questions with optional answers based on a newspaper article, six multiple answer questions from a dialogue, and a text followed by eight identifications.
- Interview (20 minutes). It is a written text followed by an oral summary, a conversation with five questions and a description of several images.
- DALI ( Diploma Avanzato di Lingua Italiana ). It is an advanced type exam, level C1 and C2 of the CEFR, with their respective degrees (advanced I and II, and commercial). They are diplomas that certify a high knowledge of business Italian. 450 to 500 hours are required for the C1 and 600 to 650 hours for the C2. The tests last 260 minutes. Once this level is passed, we will have a knowledge of the Italian language used in business. Then we will be able to understand and write texts correctly.
- Written comprehension (45 minutes). Two texts from a contemporary literature book or newspaper, along with six multiple-choice questions.
- Written expression (90 minutes). We will complete a conversation, write a response letter to a proposal and a text on a recent topic.
- Vocabulary and grammar (45 minutes). 72 questions to fill in the blanks.
- Listening comprehension (60 minutes). We will answer two multiple-choice questions based on a dialogue, six multiple-choice questions from an interview, and five true / false answers based on a radio show.
- Interview (20 minutes). Reading a text from a newspaper, a document or a book, with a summary of this; a conversation with ten related questions and another conversation related to several images.
- DILC and DALC ( Diploma Intermedio di Lingua Italiana Commerciale and Diploma Avanzato di Lingua Italiana Commerciale ). Intermediate and advanced exams, level B1 and C1 of the CEFR, respectively. A couple of diplomas that guarantee advanced knowledge of business Italian. It is suggested 280 to 340 hours for the first and 500 to 560 hours for the second, it includes 80 hours of business Italian. The evaluations are 235 minutes. After passing this exam, we will demonstrate mastery of business Italian and we will develop fluently in situations typical of the workplace.
- Written comprehension (20 minutes). Two economics texts, either from a magazine or a newspaper, followed by eight questions with multiple answers.
- Written expression (90 minutes). We will write a summary of 400 words on an article on economics, followed by another of maximum 100; We will write a letter and an argument on some subject of the same subject.
- Business vocabulary (45 minutes). 48 questions to fill in the blanks and multiple answers.
- Listening comprehension (60 minutes). We will complete two multiple-choice questions based on a dialogue; six multiple-choice questions from an interview, and five true / false answers from a radio show.
- Interview (20 minutes). Reading of a text about economics, a summary of it, a conversation with ten questions related to the text.
How to prepare for the exam
Many schools offer face-to-face and online courses for these exams, where the student can choose the course according to the level of knowledge they want to accredit. The courses are around 4 weeks.
Also, the following bibliography will help us to better consolidate learning:
- Il male Oscuro , by Giuseppe Berto.
- Per quante vite , by Marosia Castaldi.
- Scuola di nudo , by Walter Siti.
Other data of interest
The results are awarded according to the number of correct answers:
- A (from 90 to 100%).
- B (from 80 to 89%).
- C (70 to 79%).
- D (60 to 69%).
- Suspension (up to 59%).
All tests are reviewed at the academy headquarters in Florence to ensure a uniform grade from the jury.
The exams to obtain the Italian title are administered at the AIL headquarters in March, June, September and December of each year.