LanguageCert young learners exams (exams for children)
For all those people whose native language is not English, but who want or need to officially endorse their knowledge in that language, the English for Speakers of other Languages or ESOL certificate was created.
The ESOL certification process consists of a series of LanguageCert exams, through which students' level of English is assessed. In this way, our knowledge and skills are endorsed by a globally recognized English certificate for life, with the possibility of advancing in the levels according to our development.
This process is endorsed by the British Government's Office for Grading and Examination Regulations (Ofqual).
Young learners
In this range are students between 7 and 12 years of age, who have attended English courses in the school system or in the private sphere and who seek to evaluate their abilities, either for academic purposes or in order to function in activities abroad.
Through the assessment, students can access different levels, according to our level of understanding and expression of the English language. Each level is designed to monitor student progress and improve skills.
The LanguageCert Young Learners scores students' abilities on two levels: Fox or Zorro, comparable to the pre-A1 level; and Owl or Búho, roughly equivalent to level A1 of the Common European Framework.
The skills to be evaluated cover four essential aspects:
- Auditive comprehension.
- Reading comprehension.
- Written expression.
- Oral expression.
What is the LanguageCert Young Learners ESOL exam?
The exams for beginners are designed with topics according to the age range, using clear and friendly language that helps avoid stressful situations.
The written exam includes listening, reading and writing, while the oral exam is based on a conversation about topics of interest to children.
The written exam at the Fox level lasts 60 minutes, 10 of these for listening comprehension and the rest for written comprehension and expression; No time limit between each section, so we can respond in the way that suits us best.
The questions corresponding to listening comprehension are multiple choice and are accompanied by images to facilitate understanding of these for students.
It also includes simple exercises such as relating words to images or filling in spaces in a sentence with names or numbers. This section consists of 15 points.
The section on reading comprehension, with a total of 20 points, incorporates exercises to relate the text to images, determine if a statement is true or false, and the selection of options to complete texts correctly. Finally, the student is asked to answer simple questions.
On the other hand, in written expression our ability to communicate personal information and describe an image using simple sentences is evaluated. In this section we find 6 points.
At the Owl level, we took the written assessment for 75 minutes, with 15 for listening and one hour for writing comprehension and expression.
Although the questions at this level remain simple, the number of exercises is increased, including the reading of a short story, the description of an illustrated story and the communication of personal information through sentences that reflect a real situation.
The oral exam consists of a brief dialogue with an interlocutor on topics close to the students, such as their daily activities, their preferences or their family. The dialogue is recorded and later evaluated, so that the exam is seen by the student as an informal conversation.
At both levels, the assessments focus primarily on students' communication skills, leaving behind the use of complex vocabulary or the correct application of grammar rules.
Advantages of English certification for children
We can take the LanguageCert Young Learners exams year-round at approved testing centers, including educational institutions that children attend. In this way, students become familiar with the language assessment process, with a view to future certifications.
As these are separate assessments, each of the students can certify those skills in which they consider themselves to be better prepared, either in listening and writing, or in speaking.
Similarly, it is possible to obtain certifications at different levels for oral and written skills. Another advantage that the English qualification offers for young learners is the constant and systematic evaluation of students' learning, encouraging them to improve.
In addition, all students receive a certificate that shows the number of foxes and owls that we obtain in each of the evaluated skills.
So by focusing on accomplishments rather than failures, children do not feel the pressure of a numerical grade and strive for more foxes and owls on subsequent assessments.
It should be noted that the student's familiarity with the evaluation process will allow him to obtain better results in the more advanced certifications, which will undoubtedly result in greater possibilities to have access to scholarships abroad or to English-speaking schools.
How to prepare for the exam?
The great advantage of the LanguageCert Young Learners exams is that they do not require a lot of preparation or study, as the knowledge that students have acquired in class is assessed.
However, we suggest reviewing the official practice documents, available on the LanguageCert website .
In particular, we recommend reviewing the vocabulary list and the grammar syllabus. Also, it is highly recommended to take practice tests so that students become familiar with the type of questions they will have to answer in the test. For this, practical material for the Fox and Owl levels is available on the same online site.
This is how the LanguageCert exams for young language learners work. We consider them very appropriate to begin to acquire a level of English from an early age.