
Back to school online classes

Nov 19, 2020

#Cambridge exams

Back to school online classes

The importance that teachers are trained for online English classes

The training addresses the skills, knowledge and digital tools necessary to teach English classes online effectively and becomes an ally for teachers with the return to school.

The course has received the ELTons award for innovation in teacher resources and has been followed by more than 50,000 teachers from around the world.

New technologies constitute a pedagogical support that has already become essential in language teaching classrooms. To support teachers in this challenge, Cambridge Assessment English , a non-profit foundation of the University of Cambridge, has designed the Teaching English Online course in collaboration with FutureLearn. This is a computer-based training that is helping thousands of English teachers around the world to apply their pedagogical skills in a digital environment and that makes it an ally for teachers with the return to school.

Teaching English Online has recently been recognized with the British Council's first ELTons award in the category of "Innovation in teacher resources" at an event organized by this body to recognize the best innovations in teaching and learning English.

The Cambridge English course addresses the skills, knowledge and digital tools necessary to teach English classes online effectively. It is a free course, which is taught via computer, and has already been completed by more than 50,000 teachers in the three editions that have been launched.

Tariq Harris, Cambridge Assessment English , said: “There are many online English courses, but it is essential that providers of educational materials give teachers the support they need to deliver lessons that are effective. At Cambridge English we have developed this course to help teachers transfer their teaching skills to a digital context and to start teaching English online. It has been a great success and I think it has been due to collaboration, shared experience and, above all, listening to what teachers need. The feedback from the teachers has been excellent and we have been able to use it to improve each stage of the course."

The course covers how to plan and deliver lessons that focus on practical communication and the development of language skills in both production (writing and speaking) and reception (reading and listening). It also addresses how teachers can continue to improve their online teaching, which is so important given the continuous technological developments that occur around language learning.

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