PAPER BASE 2 hours and 40 minutes.

Listening 30 minutes.

Reading and writing 2 hours and 10 minutes without interruptions.


COMPUTER-BASED 2 hours 40 minutes.

Listening 30 minutes.

Reading and writing 2 hours and 10 minutes without interruptions.


ONLINE 2 hours and 40 minutes.

Listening 30 minutes.

Reading and writing 2 hours and 10 minutes without interruptions.


Listening Response type Task
Part 1 - 7 questions Multiple choice of three options for each of the seven expressions to choose the appropriate answer. Listen to two short sentences twice: statement, explanation, description, instruction, or question.
Part 2 - 6 questions Two three-choice multiple-choice questions for each of the three conversations. Listen to three short conversations with two speakers twice to identify: topic, purpose, context, speakers, essence, the relationship between speakers, roles, functions, attitudes, feelings, and opinions.
Part 3 - 7 questions A message pad with a heading and seven prompts and the space to write the correct information for each question. Answers are one to five words. Listen twice to a radio broadcast, conversation, narrative, presentation, etc. to identify specific information.
Total:  26 questions


Reading Response type Task
Part 1 - 5 questions Five multiple-choice of three choices to complete each text. Five short texts, each with a space-proof layout, lexis, cohesive devices, coherence.
Part 2 - 6 questions Choice of seven sentences to choose from to fill in the six gaps. A prayer is provided as a distraction. A text with six sentences removed, for example, topic sentence, summary sentence, idea development, point emphasis, opinion, contrast, sequence, forward / backreference, transition to a new idea.
Part 3 - 7 questions Seven questions to indicate which text provides the answer to each question. Four short texts, for example, email, article, announcement, etc. with a linked theme, but with a different purpose.
Part 4 - 8 questions Eight open 'wh-' questions require short answers of one to three words. A continuous text: narrative, descriptive, expository, biographical, instructive.
26 questions


Writing Response type Task
Part 1   70-100 words Respond appropriately to a given text to produce a formal response for a planned public hearing. Instructions for writing a response to a letter, poster, journal, schedule, brochure, etc. for a specific reader and a clearly defined number of content points to be addressed.
Part 2   100-120 words Produce an informal letter to a friend. Instructions to write a letter on a certain topic of personal interest with two functions to be included, for example, invite a friend to stay, describe what you will do.


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