Faq. Exámenes Linguaskill

What is the evaluation criteria for the Speaking part of the Linguaskill exam?


Linguaskill Spoken Part Assessment Criteria (Speaking)


Parts 1, 3, 4, 5 


LEVEL C1 or higher evaluation criteria Linguaskill exam


Good / fully operational command of the spoken language.

•  Achievement of the task: does the job well; The answers are generally appropriate. 

•  Coherence / discourse management: able to express simple and complex ideas; coherent speech is generally spread. 

•  Linguistic resources: generally shows a wide range and precise use of grammar and vocabulary. 

•  Pronunciation: the pronunciation is easy to understand; Stress, rhythm and intonation are used to express what it means well 

•  Doubt / extension: generally responds promptly, with only natural doubts; generally makes good use of the allowed response time. 


B2 evaluation criteria Linguaskill exam (Speaking)


Generally effective command of spoken language

•  Achievement of  the task: perform the task properly; most of the answers are appropriate but some may be inappropriate or ambiguous (possibly due to misunderstanding of the input). 

•  Discourse coherence / management:  Able to express simple ideas and makes some attempt to express complex ideas; mostly coherent, with extended speech.  

•  Linguistic resources: there is an adequate range of grammar and vocabulary that is precise enough to cope with the tasks.  

•  Pronunciation: pronunciation  can generally be understood; Stress, rhythm, and intonation are used to express meaning properly. 

•  Doubt / extension: there may be some doubts when searching for the language; generally makes proper use of the allowed response time. 


Level B1 Assessment criteria for the Linguaskill oral exam

Limited but effective command of the spoken language

•  Achievement of the task: making the most of the task, to a limited extent; Some answers may be inappropriate, ambiguous, or not attempted (possibly due to misunderstanding of the input). 

•  Coherence / speech management:  able to express simple ideas; small extended speech; some inconsistency. 

•  Language resource:  the range of grammar and vocabulary used is sufficient to complete tasks in a limited way. Some language in simple expressions is accurate, but basic inaccuracies can prevent communication of ideas and completion of tasks. 

•  Pronunciation: pronunciation can generally be understood, but the characteristics of L1 can cause tension; an attempt  is made to use aspects of stress, rhythm, and intonation to express meaning. 

•  hesitation / extension: hesitation may demand patience from the listener; Using the allowed response time may not always be appropriate. 

Level A2 assessment criteria Linguaskill exam (Speaking)

Basic command of the spoken language.

•  Task  accomplishment : achieves only the simplest part of the task (ie, responding to simple prompts) in a very limited way. Many responses may be inappropriate, ambiguous, or not attempted (possibly due to input misunderstanding). 

•  Coherence / speech management: no extended speech 

•  Language resource:  the language range is sufficient to respond to simple prompts but not to complete complex tasks. Some statements (simple words or short phrases) may be precise but imprecise in grammar and vocabulary limit achievement of tasks and restrict coherence and communication of ideas  

•  Pronunciation: the pronunciation of single words can be intelligible, but the characteristics of L1 can facilitate difficult understanding; A small attempt is made to use aspects of stress, rhythm, and intonation to express meaning. 

•  Hesitation / extension:  hesitation is excessive; the use of the allowed response time is appropriate only on a few occasions. 


Level A1 evaluation criteria Linguaskill exam (Speaking)

Minimal command of the spoken language.

•  Task  accomplishment : can accomplish some of the simpler parts of the task (that is, responding to simple prompts) in a very limited way; Most of the answers may be inappropriate, ambiguous, or not intended  (possibly due to misunderstanding of the input). 

•  Coherence / speech management:  statements can be limited to single words. 

•  Language resource:  the range of language is limited and inadequate to complete tasks. Some precise language but frequent inaccuracies may mean that the message is not communicated. 

•  Pronunciation: the  pronunciation of single words may be intelligible, but the characteristics of L1 can cause excess strain for a listener; no attempt is made to use aspects of stress, rhythm, and intonation to express meaning. 

•  Hesitation / extension:  hesitation is excessive; The use of the allowed response time is generally inappropriate. 

Below level A1  does not fully meet the descriptors for A1. 

0 - No significant response 

Throughout the task, answers are not attempted or meaning is not constantly conveyed.

0 - Off topic

Throughout the assignment, the answers are not related to the rubric.  


It is very difficult to evaluate the answers due to the quality of the audio records.


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