Aptis Exams


Official certificate



A1 A2 B1 B2 Written C1 C2 Online

Provinces with published calls:

What are the Aptis exams?

The Aptis exams are new English certificates designed by linguistic experts from the British Council. Not only do the Aptis exams certify your English level in a fast and effective way, but they also improve your English level and make it more fluent. 


How can you make your registration?

You can find all the available exam sessions and enrol here


Official recognitions

CRUE ( Consejo de Rectores de Universidades Españolas).

ACLES ( AsociaciĂłn  de centros de lenguas en la enseñanza superior).

The bank of Spain.

Universidad Nacional de universidades a distancia.

American International school of Mallorca. Rafa Nadal Academy.

ConsejerĂ­as de educaciĂłn en las diferentes Comunidades AutĂłnomas.

Amongst other huge lists of official Spanish institutions.


Provinces with exams Aptis

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Post in our blog about Aptis exams.

Who corrects the Speaking of the Aptis exam?

The Aptis General exam is a certificate that measures your fluency in English. The speaking test consists of answering a series of questions dictated by a computer program. Who corrects the speaking part of the Aptis exam? Find out in this article.

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How many times can I take the Aptis exam?

Sometimes students ask us if there are any limits when it comes to taking the Aptis exams. We invite you to read our article. It will help you!

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How many points do you need to pass the B1 Aptis?

Let's go with one of the most popular questions about Aptis certificates: How many points do I need to pass the B1 Aptis? In this article, you will find all the information you need. Take a look!

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