The DELF , Diplôme d'études en langue française (Diploma of Studies in the French Language), is the official international certification issued by the Ministry of National Education of France, to accredit the French skills of foreign candidates.

The professional version DELF Pro is recommended from 18 years of age , and as its name suggests, intended for people who wish to integrate into a French-speaking work environment. The DELF Pro is also appropriate for people who are already working in a French-speaking environment and who are willing to highlight their French skills to eventually advance their career, either by obtaining a promotion or by joining another company.

  • Anyone interested can apply, both in initial training and in continuing training. 
  • No prerequisites required: the candidate can obtain the diploma of their choice.

The DELF Pro contains subjects adapted to a working environment. Therefore, the DELF Pro assesses French communication skills in the entire current professional situation.
The DELF Pro consists of 4 levels A1, A2, B1 and B2. Level A1 is the most accessible and level B2 is the most advanced.

DELF Pro A1 Professional Option aims to assess whether you can:

- Integrate yourself into a new professional environment when you arrive at a new company.
- Carry out administrative procedures and perform your first tasks with various jobs.

As for beginners and A1 level students, there is not much difficult grammar, but it is good to see what to expect, and even more what you need to know to reach the DELF A1 level in French. Verbs and basic structures, of course.

DELF Pro A1 exam description

The 4 skills are evaluated : oral and written comprehension, written production, as well as oral production and interaction.
Obtaining the average (50 points out of 100) in all tests allows to issue the DELF Pro A1, A2, B1, B2 "professional option" diplomas.

Type of tests: DELF Pro A1


Note on


 Comprehension Questionnaires dealing with three or four very short recordings of daily professional life (played twice). Maximum
duration of recordings: 3 minutes


20 minutes

         / 25

Comprehension Questionnaires on four or five written documents about daily professional life.

30 minutes

/ 25

Two-part test:
     - Filling in a record, a form
     - Writing simple messages to describe and explain


30 minutes


   / 25

Three-part test:   
  1. Guided conversation (approximately 1 minute)
     2. Information exchange (approximately 2 minutes)
     3. Role play (approximately 2 minutes)
Each related to professional situations .

5 to 7 min.

Test preparation : 10 min.

/ 25

  • Total duration of group tests: 1 hour 20 minutes
  • Total score out of 100
  • DELF Pro A1 Overall Pass Score : 50/100
  • Minimum mark required per test: 5/25




Here we share this video with examples of DELF Pro A1 subjects :
Listening comprehension, Reading comprehension, written production, self-assessment with answers

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