Examenexam acquires Elblogdeidiomas.es
The aim of quality education is to guarantee students greater equity: learning skills, especially for employment and for the demands of modern life. Under these perspectives, Examenexam has become a constantly boiling entrepreneurial company, stimulated by the concern to provide language students with the precise tools to face their challenges, whatever they may be.
Our model has been graced by the constant growth of readers' sympathies, as confirmed by the 600 thousand monthly visits to our blogs, which repeatedly show us their support, assuming an incentive to face new quality challenges, which ranges from hand with the multiplication of attempts that broaden the prospects of the company.
What are our readers looking for?
From the study that we have carried out through the questions and interventions of our readers, it can be deduced that in the first place they seek the quality of information and that it is well documented while the writing is entertaining and dynamic.
There is no doubt that the reader is the number one objective of our blog and that is why, in the new journey that begins we will multiply our efforts and we will put the necessary means so that there is a more fluid communication. Without readers, a blog has no life. Hence, within our new planning, the reading theme has a prominent place.
Expansion plan
When a company has proven its business model and has been working well for some time and demonstrates efficiency and solidity, as is the case with Examenexam, it is then the exact moment to develop a business expansion and compensation plan.
In order to carry out the expansion plan, our team of managers and technicians takes into account the latest experiences in the field of language study, which have been marked by the circumstances arising from the pandemic. Among the data provided by COVID, it stands out that online learning, in general, has exploded, with the study of languages standing out.
One company for more efficiency and quality
For business and technical efficiency, during this time we have collaborated closely with " Elblogdeidiomas.es " participating in their idea that all students have access to a quality blog to learn languages for free. The result of the experiences acquired between the two companies has allowed both entities to have reached an agreement for "Elblogdeidiomas.es" to be acquired by Examenexam, in order to perpetuate the spirit that moved the joint work and to give them greater coverage to our goals.
It is not a simple acquisition without more, but to join forces and experiences with the commitment to facilitate the study of languages, to continue the path traveled with the "Elblogdeidiomas.es", to achieve greater shelter and a broader expansion while respecting the ethical principles by which it was conceived, paying special attention to the free dissemination of language teaching.
The new cycle
We are aware that this new cycle that is beginning demands greater commitment from us, which is specified in the conception and use of strategies to define how we can expand our base of followers, renewing the content of the messages. For this, we believe that the constant updating of our offer, the diversification of media, the attention due to the suggestions coming from our readers and friends, and the construction of flexible structures, whose goal is to be updated in all fields of action which is the appropriate answer.
Business Objective
At the same time that the acquisition of “Elblogdeidiomas.es” provides great advances in the dissemination of the study of languages, it also helps business consolidation based on the effectiveness of a single address in the following arguments:
Improve the flow of information.
Prepare the areas of the organization for the actions to be undertaken.
Detect problems early.
Improve attention to the reader.
Know what will happen in the short and medium-term.
Find solutions faster.
In conclusion
A new cycle begins for Examenexam, which in no way means a pessimistic review of the past. Of course not, we look for the future in a dialectical way starting from the successes and also from the mistakes, which allows us to look straight ahead with a more positive perspective. Your dear reader has intervened in this decision, who by frequenting our page has provided us with enough warmth and sustenance to remain faithful to the idea that gave us life, which is none other than to serve as a link between you and the language you have chosen.
And it is that bond that has given us life and knowledge to get here with the highest spirits, which allows us to continue serving all those who have the language as a protagonist. And precisely, that is the reason why we announce the new changes, so you can see that we do not forget those who, like you, have contributed to our successes.