Can you learn Italian from home?
The answer to the question that opens our article is easy to answer, yes. But one thing is that it can be done and quite another is that it is very easy, because it is true that today you have all the technical elements to carry it out, also modern life with its avatars imposes a series of commitments that go subtracting facilities: work, family life, friendships and sometimes purchasing power, are in fact some obstacles that can stop you from trying to achieve your goal. For all these reasons, perhaps the most convenient thing would be to study it on your own with the support of the web pages dedicated to its teaching, something easy and adaptable to all schedules and all pockets, so you have no excuses.
The Italian we know today is relatively new
The study of Italian will fascinate you as a Spaniard and in love with the Mediterranean temperament, because from the first day you will feel the need to speak it for many reasons, which become a wonderful stimulus that helps you persevere in your learning.
His songs, football, his gastronomy, his Latin genius, makes that from the very day you begin his study, you treat him as something yours, eager to practice it at all hours, because that language will make you feel and enjoy, and the obstacles you will overcome it without repairing efforts.
But today's Italian is relatively new and is the fruit of evolution and debates about how the ideal form of language should be, which had its beginnings in 1600. For long centuries until finally unification took place From Italy in 1861, Italy was a multistate country in the process of unification, whose language was Tuscan. In 1950 and in the process of the political construction of the country, only 20% of the citizens spoke Italian fluently. It was from the appearance of television that the unification of language began.
How to learn Italian alone?
Currently, there are all kinds of elements that are essential for the personal study of a language, in our case Italian, at the disposal of those who wish, such as:
- Computers, tablets and also the thousands of videos, movies in Italian in VO and VOSE.
- Free courses, online newspapers, etc., that will facilitate your study in an easy and free way.
But these are only the objective resources, those that modern technology makes available to anyone who wishes to study Italian or any other language. Now what you need is to know if you, as an interested party, are motivated enough to start them. If you start from scratch it is necessary that you choose the right blog or website and that in a pleasant way initiate you in the study of the language. We recommend you learn Italian from scratch:
The study of Italian in VO: culture in Italian cinema
Given the rise of modern techniques and the large number of devices that you have at your fingertips , you cannot reject their use for the development of your self-taught culture, since they offer you the opportunity to reduce and adjust the learning time to your needs. availabilities, at the same time as:
- It gives you a top quality in less time.
- That adapts to your needs.
- And that teaches you faster.
The use of the applications: classes totally free on the mobile and the Tablet
It can and is not bad to do it, learn Italian while you are distracted.
Tablets and mobiles suggest the idea of learning Italian while having fun. In these times there are many free applications for the study of Italian, or any other language, of which we suggest you to use them for their adjustment to your learner needs: Duolingo or Learn Italian in 6000 words to increase your vocabulary and also Babel Italiano and Nemo Italiano.
Positive aspects of Italian
Italian sounds nice to a Spaniard's ear, it has musicality and a pleasant air that you like to listen to. It is a language with heat and is quite expressive, full of emotion for its tonality and intonation. It is said that an Italian uses around 200 hand gestures during the day, which becomes a virtue, because body language is what gives Italian as a language an unsurpassed vitality.
Also in the workplace, Italian has certain advantages over other languages, as evidenced by its inclusion in such attractive sectors as fine arts, fashion, design, the automobile sector, also haute cuisine, and industrially Milan stands out as one of the most developed cities in the world for industry.
The desire to study Italian has been growing since its inception
For all the reasons we have given, the study of Italian does not offer any risk of abandonment, due to boredom or because it is complicated, its fascinating history and its kinship with Spanish, plays an important and attractive role, although it is good advice to invite to read something of the history of Italy in the middle of the studies, probably, the desire to study it will multiply.
The Italian genius, his way of understanding the world, reflections of a compelling and persuasive story, helps you not to lose heart in the attempt.
Below we share a video as an example of the resources that we have on the Internet to learn from home: