Where you can take the Trinity exams in Malaga
Are you studying English with the intention of officially certifying your level? Do you know the Trinity exams? Do you live in Malaga and don't know what options you have? Today we want to help you solve all these doubts, so that it is clear to you what you can do if you live in Malaga, where to go, who to contact and what steps to take. In this article you will find all the Trinity exams available to take in your city, upcoming dates, prices and much more.
The Trinity College certificates that you can obtain in Malaga
The Trinity exams are English tests that allow you to obtain official degrees recognized worldwide, backed by Trinity College London, a body founded in 1877 and which turns out to be the first examining committee in the world in reference to oral exams in our country. They offer the possibility of obtaining different certificates, of each of the levels established by the Common European Framework of Languages, depending on the need of each person, which are quite recognized by companies, universities, schools and various entities.
Among the different degrees that can be obtained from Trinity College, and which you can examine if you live in Malaga, are:
-ISE are tests that assess the four language skills: speaking, writing, listening and reading, according to the CEFR. These exams are especially focused on the practical use of English, and especially on oral and written production.
- GESE this exam is intended for candidates who have learned English as a foreign language, second language or additional language, since what it certifies is the knowledge of oral English.
-The SEW exam assesses oral skills applied to the world of work.
Dates and prices of the Trinity exams that you can take in Malaga
If you live in Malaga and you are preparing to take the exam and obtain an English certificate from Trinity College, we put at your fingertips the information you need to take the different tests in an easy and comfortable way. You can take any of the Trinity titles, whatever suits you best, without having to leave Malaga. Take a good look at the data of the different levels and calls, you can contact the organizers and they will give you all the information related to your specific test. In the following lists we show you, title by title, what options you have:
- If you have thought about taking any of the ISE exams in Malaga, we offer you a series of possibilities for the different levels. In the following list you can check which one interests you, prices, dates and other conditions necessary to enroll:
- Trinity ISE Foundation - Reading & Writing (A2)
- Trinity ISE Foundation - Listening & Speaking (A2)
- Trinity ISE Foundation - complete (A2)
- Trinity ISE I - Complete (B1)
- Trinity ISE I - Reading & Writing Module (B1)
-Trinity ISE I - Listening & Speaking Module (B1): https://examenexam.com/convocatorias/ingles/trinity/ise-i-modulo-listening-speaking/malaga
-Trinity ISE II - Complete (B2): https://examenexam.com/convocatorias/ingles/trinity/ise-ii-completo/malaga
-Trinity ISE II - Reading & Writing Module (B2): https://examenexam.com/convocatorias/ingles/trinity/ise-ii-modulo-reading-writing/malaga
-Trinity ISE II - Listening & Speaking Module (B2): https://examenexam.com/convocatorias/ingles/trinity/ise-ii-modulo-listening-speaking/malaga
-Trinity ISE III - Complete (C1): https://examenexam.com/convocatorias/ingles/trinity/ise-iii-complete/malaga
-Trinity ISE III - Reading & Writing Module (C1): https://examenexam.com/convocatorias/ingles/trinity/ise-iii-modulo-reading-writing/malaga
-Trinity ISE III - Listening & Speaking Module (C1): https://examenexam.com/convocatorias/ingles/trinity/ise-iii-modulo-listening-speaking/malaga
-Trinity ISE IV - Complete (C2): https://examenexam.com/convocatorias/ingles/trinity/ise-iv-completo/malaga
2. If, by any chance, you are more interested in taking an exam to obtain some of the GESE certificates, here we bring you all the options available to you. You have the possibility of examining yourself at all levels. Look for yours well and check data, dates, price and all the information to do them in Malaga:
-Trinity GESE 1 - Pre A1: https://examenexam.com/convocatorias/ingles/trinity/gese-1-2/malaga
-Trinity GESE 2 - A1.1: https://examenexam.com/convocatorias/ingles/trinity/gese-2/malaga
-Trinity GESE 3 - A2.1: https://examenexam.com/convocatorias/ingles/trinity/gese-3-4/malaga
-Trinity GESE 4 - A2.2: https://examenexam.com/convocatorias/ingles/trinity/gese-4/malaga
-Trinity GESE 5 - B1.1: https://examenexam.com/convocatorias/ingles/trinity/gese-5-6/malaga
-Trinity GESE 6 - B1.2: https://examenexam.com/convocatorias/ingles/trinity/gese-6-b1-2/malaga
-Trinity GESE 7 - B2.1: https://examenexam.com/convocatorias/ingles/trinity/gese-7-9/malaga
-Trinity GESE 8 - B2.2: https://examenexam.com/convocatorias/ingles/trinity/gese-8-b2-2/malaga
-Trinity GESE 9 - B2.3: https://examenexam.com/convocatorias/ingles/trinity/gese-9-b2-3/malaga
-Trinity GESE 10 - C1.1 https://examenexam.com/convocatorias/ingles/trinity/gese-10-11/malaga
-Trinity GESE 11 - C1.2: https://examenexam.com/convocatorias/ingles/trinity/gese-11-c1-2/malaga
-Trinity GESE 12 - C2.1: https://examenexam.com/convocatorias/ingles/trinity/gese-12/malaga
3. Finally, if you need to take a SEW test, take a good look at the possibilities you have. Focus on your level and rigorously control all the data that we provide you so that you can enroll on time and do not run out of the right to take your exam:
-Trinity SEW (B1): https://examenexam.com/convocatorias/ingles/trinity/sew-70/malaga
-Trinity SEW (B2): https://examenexam.com/convocatorias/ingles/trinity/sew-71/malaga
-Trinity SEW (C1): https://examenexam.com/convocatorias/ingles/trinity/sew-72/malaga