General objectives

Test PLIDA of C2 level aims to verify whether the candidate is capable of understanding effortlessly virtually everything heard or read. You already know how to summarize information extracted from different sources, oral and written, restructuring consistent arguments and pieces of information in a text. He expresses himself spontaneously, in a very smooth and precise way and creates clearly subtle shades of meaning even in quite complex situations.

Individual skills 

Oral production: Can deliver a clear, fluent and well-structured speech with an effective logical structure that helps the recipient to notice and remember important points
Written  production: Can write clear, fluent and complex texts with an appropriate and effective style and logical structure, which helps the reader to identify the salient points.
Listening comprehension : You have no difficulty quickly understanding any type of language spoken by a natural native, both live and recorded.
Comprehension of a written text: Can understand and interpret criticism in virtually all forms of written language, including abstract, structurally complex literary and non-literary texts, and very rich in colloquial expressions. Can understand a wide range of long and complex texts, capturing their stylistic differences and understanding of both explicit and implicit meanings.
Oral interaction:  Has a good command of idiomatic and colloquial expressions and is aware of related connotations. Expresses subtle nuances of meaning accurately, using different speech modifiers reasonably correct. Overcome difficulties by restructuring speech so easily that the other party hardly notices.
Written interaction: Is able to express himself clearly and precisely, adapting to the receiver in a flexible and efficient way.

Duration of the PLIDA level C2 exam

The total time of the test is 3 hours and 55 minutes.

  • Oral comprehension: 40 minutes.
  • Written comprehension: 45 minutes.
  • Written expression: 135 minutes.
  • Oral expression: 15 minutes.

Domains and contexts

 Listed below, for each domain, are some contexts of use that occur in tests at this level.

Personal domain

- At home (watching television, listening to the radio)
- On various occasions of contact (social gatherings, family gatherings, dinners with friends, etc.)

Public domain

- At public service counters (in banks, post offices, etc.)
- In public offices (town halls, prefectures, police headquarters, etc.)

Professional domain

- At your workplace

Educational domain

- At school
- In other places related to their educational context (gym, dining room, patio, library, etc.)
- At the University
- At conferences and study seminars

Communication skills and general objectives

The C2 level candidate must 


 Understand and interpret in a critical way all forms of written language, including scientific or literary texts

Capture the nuances and implications of an article or comment on political, economic, cultural or literary issues.

 Understand long and complex detailed instructions, not necessarily related to yours area of ​​expertise;

Correctly interpret passages from a contract or legal agreement

 Understand all types of correspondence, even that of a specialist or bureaucratic nature;

 Obtain information from an official circular.

 Include specialist lectures and lectures even if they use unfamiliar terminology;

 Include specialist lectures and exhibits even if they use unfamiliar terminology;

 Include films or other recorded or broadcast materials, even when they are rich in idiomatic expressions, colloquial and jargon;

 Follow a film recorded live (without dubbing) also with a fast, high-pitched, colloquial speech or with a regional complexion.

 Express and acknowledge allusions, emotional nuances, comic intent, sarcastic or controversial, and cultural references;

 Act effectively in a lively discussion, responding appropriately to controversial or sarcastic comments.

 Participate in formal discussions on complex issues, supporting your position, advancing articulate and persuasive arguments, without being at a disadvantage compared to a native speaker 

 Attending a study conference, submitting your own research paper, responding appropriately to questions, criticisms and requests for clarification

 Write clear, fluid and complex reports commenting on a problematic case or making critical judgments;

Prepare a work report.

 Produce texts on complex topics (in the form of an essay, scientific or journalistic article, etc.), using various sources effectively and adapting the style to the textual genre and with the communicative purpose;

 Write an article for a scientific or specialized journal in a particular sector, illustrating details of your own research or your own work.

 Paraphrase or summarize a text effectively; take helpful notes from written sources, arranging abstract concepts 

Summarize an article by scientific topic


 Write all kinds of effective letters and emails related to professional and non-professional matters.

  Write an email to ask a specific service provider


Types of texts 

The following list shows some types of texts that can be found in the tests at this level.

Written texts

- Summary
- Scientific articles
- Conference proceedings
- Competition notices
- Literary pieces of contemporary fiction
- Employment contracts
- Public information
- Laws, regulations and statutes
- Letters (of complaint, reminder, presentation, complaint, protest)
- Projects related to study and work activities
- Reviews of works of art
- Columns of newspapers, magazines and websites
- Essays of literary criticism
- Popular essays
- Commemorative writings
- School and university texts
- Proceedings, reports and reports
- Entries in dictionaries and encyclopedias

 Oral texts

- Pieces of films, documentaries, television series and comedies also in non-standard language
- Conferences, public presentations, interventions in conferences.
- Informal conversations and debates
- Public debates
- Formal speeches on official occasions
- Speeches in regional Italian
- Formal and informal interactions in the workplace
- Interviews
- Academic lessons
- In-depth programs
- Theatrical sketches

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