- Exams


Official certificate



A1 Written A2 B1 B2 C1 C2

Provinces with published calls:

Spanish is the official language in 21 countries, spoken by more than 500 million people; For this reason, the Department of Spanish Language of the FIDESCU Foundation has developed the International Diploma of Spanish (DIE) following the guidelines and guidelines indicated in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The DIE began its journey in 2002 and today it has Examining Centers in different countries that are in charge of organizing the examination sessions. The DIE offers the possibility that children from 8 years old, young people, adults and professionals can obtain degrees certifying their degree of linguistic competence in Spanish. FIDESCU, in addition to the general Spanish exams that range from level A1 to C2, has developed the International Diploma of Spanish for specific purposes: Business, Tourism and Health.

All those who, having knowledge of the Spanish language, wish to obtain an accreditation of their level of oral, written communication or both can take these exams. The ten oral, six written and three specialization levels that the DIE consists of range from elementary to mastery or specialization.

The DIE is a qualification certifying the degree of linguistic competence in Spanish in which linguists, pedagogues and teachers of Spanish have collaborated, and is designed to measure the candidate's communication skills.

The DIE has the academic recognition of the Spanish Language and Culture Courses of the Pontifical University of Salamanca.

The contents of the exam levels have been developed in accordance with the European Reference Framework for language learning, teaching and assessment.

The DIE tests respond to the correct and real use of Spanish, considering all the variants, the various accents and the expressions used in the different Spanish-speaking countries.

The teacher-examiners, licensed experts in the teaching and evaluation of the Spanish language, carry out the oral tests in a personalized way based on an individual conversation, seeking the convenience of each candidate.

The DIE International Diploma of Spanish offers the possibility of obtaining degrees certifying the degree of linguistic competence in Spanish in its spoken, written or both.

The criteria for grading the exams are:

  • Understanding
  • Fluency
  • Grammar correction
  • Lexicon
  • Pronunciation

The tests are assigned a total of 100 points. To obtain the DIE diploma, a minimum score of 65% must be achieved. From a score of 85%, a diploma with distinction will be awarded.

In each of the evaluation criteria, a minimum score must be achieved to pass the test.

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