5 ways and 3 tricks to learn a language

We share key tips to meet the goal. The limbic system positively helps the student in the study of a language. It has a positive side effect that promotes learning progress. Dec 3, 2020 #Formation #tips #recommendations #Languages

All ages are good to study a language

At each stage of our development, it provides us with a different linguistic benefit. There is NO age limit to learn something new, no advantages or disadvantages. The only difference is the instruments we need to make it possible. Dec 3, 2020 #Formation #tips #Languages

How to strengthen the learning of a language through music

Music can be considered as a didactic resource to study a foreign language. It facilitates the linguistic information process and is an opportunity to learn a language while having fun listening to your favorite songs. Dec 3, 2020 #tipos #Formation #recommendations #Languages

Can you learn German from home?

Tips to be self-taught. Studying a foreign language is never easy, and German is no more difficult than any other language. It is about a constant will and motivation on the part of the student to achieve the objective. Dec 3, 2020 #Formation #German

What if I decide to study a little known language?

The attraction of learning a foreign language even if it is little known or a minority. It will always bring you benefits with the experiences lived during the learning process. Never stop learning, follow your heart and enjoy the decision. Dec 2, 2020 #Formation #Languages #Advantages

How to overcome a bad personal moment through the study of a foreign language

At times in life, we encounter disappointment or a low mood. Therefore, learning a new language is a great opportunity to keep our minds occupied and thus reinforce self-confidence. Dec 2, 2020 #Formation #recommendations #Languages

The importance of obtaining an official certificate of a foreign language

Thanks to these certificates, many people manage to make their dreams come true and open the doors of a new future. It is a personal achievement, a magnificent challenge that will allow you to realize that you are capable of achieving everything you set your mind to if you go for it and work for it. Dec 2, 2020 #Formation #types #Languages #Advantages #Exams

What happens in the brain when learning languages?

Learning a new language is key to having and maintaining an active and healthy brain. Dec 2, 2020 #Formation #Languages #Curiosities

How to choose a good textbook for your language class

The reality is that there is no perfect textbook that has a diversity of resources and has visual, auditory, theoretical explanation, activities, has its cultural part or is available in a digital version. Dec 2, 2020 #Formation #recommendations

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