What you need to know to be successful when taking your APTIS exam

APTIS allows evaluating the degree of command of English in its different modalities: oral or written expression and understanding. In turn, there are several levels to measure the degree of experience in handling English. Nov 20, 2020 #Aptis #Examen de inglés #Exams

Prepare for the DELF Scolaire exam with this guide

Are you studying in middle school or high school, do you like French and want to certify your knowledge of the language with a DELF exam? Here we provide you with the information you need to properly prepare and obtain a French certificate. Nov 20, 2020 #Delf exam #French

I work in France thanks to my DELF exam

The DELF exam for professionals can be the key to travel, learn about other cultures and get a job that we are passionate about in an exotic and French-speaking destination on the 5 continents. Nov 20, 2020 #French

How can I check my Cambridge exam results?

You can download Cambridge exam results, including historical ones, using Cambridge's Online Grading service. Nov 20, 2020 #Cambridge #Cambridge exams

It is interesting to have an English degree from Cambridge on your CV

Obtaining an English degree from Cambridge is worth it to complete your curriculum. It is a differentiating element, as we will tell you in this article Nov 20, 2020 #Cambridge #Oxford #Trinity #Anglia #Aptis #Toelf #Toeic #LanguageCert #Cambridge exams #Examen de inglés

Knowing how much it costs to get an official Englis degree is ideal

Do you know how much it costs to get an official English degree? First, know your skills and then you can get certified at the best university Nov 20, 2020 #Cambridge #Oxford #Trinity #Anglia #Aptis #Toelf #Toeic #Examen de inglés

Accreditation of English qualifications

Accreditation of English qualifications. Language challenges for the internalization of education in Spain. Nov 19, 2020 #English

Accreditation of English qualifications

Accreditation of English qualifications. Language challenges for the internalization of education in Spain. Nov 19, 2020 #English

More facilities for foreign doctors and nurses in the UK

Doctors, nurses, dentists and widwives who wish to pursue their professional careers in the UK will be exempt from taking an additional English est when applying for a work visa. Nov 19, 2020

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