Trinity GESE 2 Exam Features - A1.1. (level A1)

If you need to certify your oral skills in English, Trinity College gives you the opportunity to do so through the Trinity GESE test with which you can demonstrate your knowledge and fluency when speaking English. It is a highly recommended exam for all those who are in contact with natives or who have recently lived in an English-speaking country. We are going to see today how to prepare the Trinity GESE 2- A1.1 exam, materials to work with and how to enroll if you are interested.

What are the GESE exams?

The GESE exams are especially suitable for people of all ages who want to develop communicative speaking and listening skills in English, to use in real life, whatever the purpose, be it for immigration, work, study, leisure or employment. GESE is also a suitable exam for students at the end of study abroad courses. The GESE exams are developed with the structure of individual and face-to-face evaluations, demonstrating the skills of speaking and listening in English with a Trinity examiner, who encourages the candidate to show what they can do through prompts and authentic interactive dialogue . The duration of the exam is 5-25 minutes, depending on the grade .

Because candidates can plan ahead to discuss their own interests and opinions on the exam, this encourages learning and supports natural speech, helping them relax and perform at their best during the exam.

GESE is available in 12 levels: Grades 1-12, from pre-A1 level to C2 CEFR level. Grouped by stage of development, the GESE exams offer a progressive framework for the development of English language skills and an assessment for each student:

  • Grades 1-3: Initial Stage - Pre-A1-A2.1
  • Grades 4-6: Elementary Stage - A2.2-B1.2
  • Grades 7-9: Intermediate Stage - B2.1-B2.3
  • Grades 10-12: Advanced Stage - C1.1-C2

GESE is designed to support classroom instruction and general English curricula and courses, and Trinity directly provides a wide range of guidance, videos, support and resources for each level.

Trinity's GESE ratings provide individuals and institutions with reliable evidence of English speaking skills at different levels, from beginner to advanced. The GESE exams are regulated by Ofqual in the UK . They are listed in the UK Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) and are aligned with the European Qualifications Framework (EQF). They have also received the ALTE Q rating from the Association of Language Testers in Europe, proving that they meet the strictest quality criteria.

GESE is a UK government approved test for visa application and clearance purposes when taken at a Trinity SELT Center. If you are preparing for GESE as Secure English Language Test (SELT) for UK visa purposes, you should visit UK visa tests. Structure of the GESE 2- A1.1 exam, level A1

The exam is oral only and lasts approximately 6-10 minutes . It consists of an impromptu conversation with a native and official examiner. The examiner uses materials that serve as visual support, such as photographs or real objects, some can even be found in the classroom, with the intention of motivating the candidates and thus checking their oral and listening skills in English.
During the minutes that the test lasts, the examiner will exchange greetings and ask easy questions in addition to giving elementary instructions, equivalent to level A1, so that they will be very basic and simple.

In this initial stage you have to know:

  • Give personal and biographical details;
  • use appropriately the forms of meeting, greeting and saying goodbye;
  • talk about personal tastes, express pleasure;
  • name job titles and explain the tasks of individuals at work;
  • make simple references to: food, types of accommodation, people and events in the world of work, travel, shopping;
  • express number, quantity, prices, dates, simple measurements;
  • identify common objects related to their own personal interests, the world around them or the world of work.

How to prepare for the exam on your own

  • Trinity College provides candidates with a series of very useful materials, with which they can prepare for the test in a personal way. Take a good look at the following link from which you can download a special guide for level GESE 2- A1.1., Level A1, where you can find all the information related to your level.
  • The following activities are also made available to you by Trinity College. Look for the level Trinity GESE 2- A1.1., Level A1, and you can start practicing, the best way to prepare for the test, since the activities have that purpose.
  • You can also access videos that Trinity College makes available to students to get inspired and see what these tests are like. Also focus on non-verbal communication, as it is another very interesting form of communication:

From here we advise you to follow the following fundamental recommendations so that you can take the exam and pass it successfully:

  • Check your level of English, you must already have a well-established level A1 and if not, get the contents of that level first and then start preparing the test. If you do not know English, you will not be able to take this exam;
  • set yourself a study habit, preferably daily. Create a weekly study plan and mark the actual days and moments that you can dedicate to it. It is what will allow you to advance and pass this exam with the best grade. The more vocabulary you have and the more fluency in expressing yourself, the easier it will be;
  • Reading will help you expand your vocabulary and the syntactic and grammatical structures that you already know, so we highly recommend that you do it continuously. With this list of reading books you can help yourself, you will do well and the more you read, the better.
  • Do not forget about the listening, they will bring you closer to the accents and the pronunciation of the words in English. In this list we leave you a good recommendation of series and movies that can go very well for the A1 level of English.
  • Always have a good dictionary on hand, it is what will allow you to solve all your doubts at the moment and 100% reliably. We propose a list for you to choose the one that best suits you.
  • do not forget to stay in direct contact with the language, as long as possible. Look for natives interested in conducting exchanges orally. Today you have enough means to have contacts without leaving home and surely there are many people interested.

Remember, beyond all these processes, what you must control is verbal fluency and the ability to express yourself orally, even in improvised situations. This is what the examiners will value about you.

Books to prepare for the Trinity GESE 2- A1.1 exam, level A1

To prepare for the test directly, you have the following book, which is the one recommended by Trinity College directly, and if you join it in your study plan to the material that the same center makes available to candidates, it will be the guide that most work and help you in this learning time. You will get a very complete preparation material:

  • Trinity Graded Examinations in Spoken English (GESE) Grades 1-2 Student's Pack with Audio CD. See on amazon.
  • Trinity Graded Examinations in Spoken English (GESE): Trinity Pub Gese Grades 1-2: Teacher's Book Pack (Trinity Graded Exams). See on amazon.
  • READY FOR TRINITY GESE GRADE 1 2. See at amazon .
  • PASS TRINITY BOOK DVD GRADES 1 2 (Examinations). See on amazon.

As complementary material, you can use any English textbook that prepares the A1 level, as a general basis to answer questions, to consolidate the concepts that you have to take well established and that you must control perfectly. Anyone is good.

Enrollment and results

The Trinity GESE exam scores the different sections with the use of the letters A, B, C or D, with A being the highest grade and D the lowest of all. According to the average of these sections, it is determined whether the qualified receives Fail, Pass, Merit or Distintion. To make it clearer, look at the following equivalences:

Grade 2:

A = Distintion C = Pass

B = Merit D = Fail

  • Fail: if you do not reach the level that you present yourself
  • Pass: if you get right to the level
  • Merit: if your grade is higher than fair to pass
  • Distinction: if you reach the maximum score

In relation to the exam fees, you should know that these vary depending on the place where you enroll. In any case, ask for information at your exam center, since they are the ones who will confirm you with details, since the price may vary on different dates in addition to varying depending on the center where you do it.

When you are clear when you are going to take the exam, register as soon as possible, as there are a limited number of places and you can easily run out of yours. The registration can be done simply and quickly from this link .

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