DELF Pro B2 constitutes the fourth level of DELF Pro. In a professional French-speaking context, DELF Pro B2 recognizes whether you are capable of:

  • coordinating professional projects;

  • managing different projects;

  • making decisions and sharing them with your representatives.

The DELF Pro B2 exam is based on level B2 of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).

CEFR Level B2 (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)

B2 represents a new level as much above B1 (Threshold) as A2 (Waystage) is below. It is intended to reflect the Vantage Level specification. The metaphor is that, having progressed slowly but steadily through the intermediate plateau, the learner finds that he has gotten somewhere, things look different, he gains a new perspective, he can look around in a new way. This concept seems to be largely confirmed by the calibrated descriptors at this level.

They represent a big break from the content so far. For example, there is a focus on effective argumentation:

  • explain and support their opinions in the discussion by providing relevant explanations, arguments and comments;

  • explain a point of view on a current issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options;

  • build a chain of reasoned arguments;

  • develop an argument giving reasons for or against a particular point of view;

  • explain a problem and make it clear that your negotiating counterpart must make a concession;

  • speculate on causes, consequences, hypothetical situations;

  • take an active part in informal discussions in familiar contexts, commenting, clearly setting out points of view, evaluating alternative proposals, and making and answering hypotheses.

Second, going through level B2, there are two new approaches:

  • The first is to be able to do more than defend oneself in social discourse: p. ex. converse naturally, fluently and effectively; understand in detail what is being said to you in standard spoken language, even in a noisy environment;

    • start the speech, take your turn when appropriate, and end the conversation when you need to, even if you don't always do it gracefully;

    • uses common phrases (for example, "That's a difficult question to answer") to buy time and hold your turn while formulating what to say;

    • interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers possible without putting stress on either party;

    • adapt to changes in direction, style, and emphasis normally encountered in conversation;

    • Maintaining relationships with native speakers without unintentionally amusing or irritating them or requiring them to behave differently than they would with a native speaker.

  • The second new approach is a new degree of language awareness:

    • correct mistakes if they have led to misunderstandings; taking note of "favorite mistakes" and consciously monitoring speech for them;

    • he generally corrects slips and mistakes if he becomes aware of them;

    • Plan what to say and the means of saying it, taking into account the effect on the recipient. In general, this seems to be a new threshold that a language student must cross.

DELF Pro B2 exam description

Type of tests: DELF Pro B2


Mark out of


Comprehension questionnaires on two recordings of professional life:

  • presentation, lecture, speech, documentary, radio or television program (played twice)

  • interview, newsletter, etc. (played once).

Maximum duration of recordings: 8 minutes





30 minutes




/ 25


Comprehension questionnaires dealing with two written documents of professional life:

  • informational text
  • argumentative text



1 hour



/ 25


Take a personal stance (contribute to a debate, formal letter, movie / book review).


1 hour


/ 25


Express and defend an opinion based on a short document designed to express a reaction.

Approx. 20 minutes

preparation: 30 minutes


           / 25

Total duration of group tests: 2 hours 30 minutes

Total score out of 100

DELF Pro B2 Overall Passing Score: 50/100

Minimum mark required per test: 5/25


Example of a DELF Pro B2 subject

Below you can download a complete sample document of DELF Pro B2. The collective tests (listening, reading and writing) are found in the candidate's test booklet. The DELF Pro B2 candidate brochure also contains the instructions for the individual (oral) test. Individual (oral) test topics can be found in the examiner's booklet . The audio document contains the listening exercises. Finally, you will find the correct versions of the listening and writing test in the proofreader's booklet.

In addition, you will find below the assessment tables for the DELF Pro B2 writing and speaking tests. We recommend that you study this evaluation table well because it is in it that what you will evaluate and score. So if you control the evaluation criteria well and fit them well, you will get the maximum points.

The files of the DELF Pro B2 sample documents that will be downloaded above are the property of CIEP (Center International d'Etudes Pédagogiques). These sample papers are the only DELF Pro B2 previous exam papers available to the public and licensed for distribution. All other sample works are strictly confidential before, during, and after exam sessions. They are exposed to civil and criminal penalties for the distribution of confidential samples.

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