The LanguageCert IESOL A1 exams are the perfect introduction to everyday written English.

LanguageCert International Written exam (listening, reading, writing) 

 Exam Duration

PAPER BASED1 hours & 40 minutes
Listening 20 minutes
Reading & Writing 1 hours & 20 minutes uninterrupted
COMPUTER BASED 1 hours & 40 minutes
Listening 20 minutes
Reading & Writing 1 hours & 20 minutes uninterrupted


Answer Type


Part 1

7 questions

Three-option multiple choice for each utterance

Listen twice to match seven short statements to letters, words, graphics and symbols

Part 2

7 questions

Three-option multiple choice for each utterance

Listen twice to choose the best reply to seven short utterances

Part 3

6 questions

Three-option multiple choice question for each dialogue

Listen twice to six short conversations with two speakers to identify: topic, purpose, context, speakers, gist, relationship between speakers, functions, attitudes, feeling and opinions

Part 4

6 questions

A form with six headings and multiple-choice options to tick the correct information for each heading

Listen twice to a conversation with two speakers to identify specific information

Total: 26 questions



Answer Type


Part 1

6 questions

One three-option multiple choice for each text to complete each one correctly

Six short texts with one gap per text

Part 2

5 questions

Gapped text followed by a choice of six options to complete the text correctly. One option is a distractor

Gapped text with five deletions and 1 distractor

Part 3

7 questions

Seven questions to indicate which text provides the answer to each question

Four short texts, eg notice, letter, appointment card, with a linked theme, but with a different purpose

Part 4

8 questions

Match each statement to the appropriate text

Table to complete with 8 items

Total: 26 questions



Answer Type


Part 1

4 sentences (about 30 words)

Simple sentences to communicate ideas or basic information

Instructions to write on a given topic, eg about themselves, daily life, people, where they live, what they do

Part 2

20 – 30 words

Short simple text for an intended audience

Instructions to write a letter, card, postcard or message about two given functions

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