Why should a student study a language?
The question is not strange, although it requires an explanation, because it is a separate language from the one used in compulsory education. Learning another language will be very useful, as it will allow you to get the most out of your studies. Among other benefits, you will be able to opt for training at all levels: International Baccalaureate, university degrees, Professional Training, etc.
All this is giving an answer to our question that we will complete in the course of this article. Why should a student study a language? Because knowing more languages is the best way that you can use materials and applications in other languages to complete and improve your academic studies. Sometimes learn, for example: English is essential if you want to take certain subjects and to understand the teacher in that language.
To get a job title
It is not surprising that on certain occasions, in order to obtain a degree, it is mandatory for you to have a certain level of a foreign language. As you well know, undergraduate and postgraduate studies, some specific courses or masters that are taught both in the bilingual variety and totally in English, constitute a fundamental element that can make a difference when presenting your CV to obtain the job of your life.
To study or work abroad
If your dream is to go abroad to specialize in your studies, or to obtain a qualified job, both to study you must have an advanced user knowledge , as if it is to progress in your professional career, the language is of vital importance. In most job offers, it is a mandatory condition to master the language of the country where the job is offered. And you should know that in qualified jobs, not only are the endorsement of the title worth, but also, you must demonstrate your fluency in the language in the job interview, which is where your incorporation is decided or not.
By social requirement
Modern societies are at the same time more open and more demanding, in which learning new languages is necessary and vitally important, to read books, watch movies in original versions at the same time, which will enrich you culturally in foreign languages to be able to relate through the different communication channels that are at your disposal for free, with people from other countries and exchange with them culturally, something that is currently in full swing.
Keys to learning languages
Regardless of the professional factor, there are many more goals for studying languages. But the objectives you set for yourself must be realistic and totally achievable and for this you must:
- Analyze yourself, know what your true capacity to learn is
- Check the difficulty of the chosen language and the time you have at your disposal to study it.
- It is vital that you set goals that you can achieve, if you do not do it, the decision can negatively damage your motivation.
- For any kind of study it is essential that you know how to organize yourself with your available time. In this way, you will be right when choosing the most appropriate course for your schedules and needs.
The important thing is to organize yourself to progress
As you have been taught both in your studies and at home, motivation and progress are the two keys that go hand in hand. If you think that your motivation has declined, it is because it is not progressing and also vice versa. If you don't progress, your motivation is reduced to a minimum. In these cases, it is recommended that you take a liking to taking from your small achievements to compare what you previously knew with what you now know, then you formulate new challenges and so on.
Constancy and dedication, bases for studying languages
Attending class is not enough to achieve success, attending classes alone you will surely learn, but it does not mean that you are achieving the goal you set for yourself. The learning of a language requires perseverance and dedication, in that case, would be very good to complete your training, perform activities that provide you broaden your knowledge.
Speaking in the language you study is essential
Reading is not the same as talking, many students are good at reading, but they are more clumsy speaking. You do not have to be afraid to speak, because only then, with practice you will be able to communicate with the new language and you will achieve fluency and skill in its use.
It is advisable to use modern means of communication to get in touch with natives of the language you are studying. They will help you a lot, as they tend to take pride in teaching their mother tongue to people from other countries. All the occasions that arise and that you look for to speak with natives will constitute a giant step in your learning.
Finally, always remember that to master a language with agility you will need time, effort and perseverance, but all this will be compensated with the benefits that you will obtain.
Wanting is power
In the development of our proposals it is suggested that the only reality in the study of languages is the attitude of the student , no matter their age. There are objectives for all ages and these goals require perseverance and dedication, which can be achieved on the basis of stimuli that a teacher can give you in part, but it must be you the interested party who puts more than your part. You just have to set your goals , which you know you are going to be able to achieve and then give it hope and desire that it is maintained on the basis of winning those little battles. Always remember that many small goals become the big goal.