What is the TestDaF exam? German exam
The TestDaF is an advanced level exam. Even if the German B2 certificate and the German C1 certificate have not been acquired, we will have to have one of these levels based on the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) competencies.
This assessment is for those who seek to obtain a German qualification and wish to prove their language skills.
Structure of the TestDaF exam ?
It is a German exam that has TDN ( TestDaF Niveaustufen ) levels 3, 4 and 5 that are assessed separately in 4 skills, these are: listening, reading, writing and speaking.
1. Listening comprehension. The exam is developed by levels of difficulty and its duration is 40 minutes.
1.1 A short story or dialogue from the university environment is listened to, taking notes and answering some questions.
1.2 Here we will listen to a debate or an interview related to the studies and it will be answered if the statements are correct or incorrect.
1.3 A presentation by an expert will be heard briefly answering questions from the text.
Qualified skills are as follows:
- TDN 3: The person is able to understand the general context of topics discussed, of daily life, mainly related to the university area and partially understands scientific texts.
- TDN 4: At this level the participant understands essential issues of everyday life in university development and interdisciplinary issues of common language.
- TDN 5: The applicant is able to understand the details of everyday life issues and their general context, also interdisciplinary texts related to university studies, even when these are structured in a complex way at the content level.
2. Reading comprehension. It is developed by difficulty with a duration of 60 minutes.
2.1 Here we must read a short and daily text of higher education level.
2.2 The applicant must read a political-social text, with approximately 500 words, and will answer the multiple-choice questions that are posed on the subject.
2.3 A scientific text or a specialized magazine will be read with around 600 words. It will be answered if the statements made are correct or if the text actually contains the question asked.
The following skills are scored:
- TDN 3: We will be able to understand the general context and the essence of texts that speak of everyday life related to study at a higher level, and scientific texts can be partially understood.
- TDN 4: At this level, daily life and scientific texts are understood, which have common language.
- TDN 5: Contexts and details are understood and one is able to extract information from texts of everyday life, university and scientific topics expressed in a complex way.
3. Written expression. It is developed by level of difficulty and lasts 60 minutes.
3.1 The applicant will be provided with a topic of essential questions and statistics with which he will have to make a coherent and structured text.
3.2 At this stage is where we will present the personal point of view on the developed topic, arguing it.
The following skills will be assessed:
- TDN 3: Being able to express oneself in a coherent and understandable way in writing, about situations of daily life and the university environment. Being able, also, to express oneself in a simplified way on scientific matters. Structural and linguistic limitations may make it difficult to understand what is stated.
- TDN 4: Express oneself in a coherent and structured way, with an adequate level to a great extent, either in everyday life situations or in scientific contexts. Linguistic limitations should not make it difficult to understand the text.
- TDN 5: Being able to express oneself in a structured and coherent way at an appropriate and differentiated level, both in daily life and in scientific and interdisciplinary subjects.
4. Oral expression. It can be assisted by a computer, is developed by level of difficulty and lasts 35 minutes.
4.1 Seven tasks are carried out in which the evaluated person must imagine himself immersed in different communication situations in a German university.
4.2 Information must be collected, images described and their content expressed. You must be able to give a personal point of view and argue it, be able to give advice, assess alternatives and present hypotheses.
This stage assesses the following skills:
- TDN 3: The ability to express oneself orally with situations of daily life in relation to higher level studies. Being able to basically carry out communication purposes in scientific and political contexts, although linguistic limitations delay understanding.
- TDN 4: Express oneself to a great extent in an appropriate way to each situation, whether in daily life or in the political and scientific context. Language deficiencies should not make it difficult for us to understand.
- TDN 5: One is able to express oneself orally clearly and appropriately in situations of daily life and in a scientific, political and social context.
The maximum score of the exam is 100, for which we must obtain a minimum of 60 points for it to be approved.
It is carried out and qualified only in one of the authorized centers of the main headquarters, the TestDaF institute . Currently, there are around 450 centers spread over 80 countries and 6 annual dates are set around the world to carry it out, upon registration.
It is important to have a correct preparation to take this exam, so it is recommended to download practice material and the acquisition of didactic material. Among the recommended, to name a few, are the following:
- Hints and Tips ( Hinweise und Tipps )
Tips for practice created by the TestDaF institute.
- TestDaF exam training ( Prüfungstraining TestDaF )
Exercise book, 128 pages with 2 audio CDs and insert with transcripts and solutions, ISBN 978-3-06-020311-3
- TestDaF - higher level course with exam preparation ( Oberstufenkurs mit Prüfungsvorbereitung )
Textbook, 144 pages, ISBN 9783-19-021700-7
- Training book for TestDaF ( Trainingsbuch für TestDaF )
by M. Antonova, R. Ivanova, E. Lazarou and S. Murdsheva,
Editorial Lettera, Plovdiv 2003
Training book with 3 audio cassettes, ISBN 954-516-399-2
The TestDaF exam is the international recognition of skills in the German language, to certify and obtain studies or work in Germany.