What are the 5 most prestigious universities in the world?
Regarding this question asked by countless readers, we rely on their answers for the QS ranking for the year 2020. Here are the 5 best universities in the world. This top takes into consideration 6 factors :
Academic reputation (40%).
Student / teacher ratio (20%).
References in published research (20%).
Employability (10%).
International students (5%).
International teachers (5%).
According to this, the top 5 universities on the planet in 2020 are:
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (United States)
MIT is a private university specializing in Physics, Engineering, Biology, Economics, Linguistics, and Management. It was founded in 1861 and some of its most recognized students are Noam Chomsky (linguist), Kofi Annan (former UN Secretary-General), and Buzz Aldrin (second person to walk on the moon).
Stanford University (United States)
Stanford University is a private university located in Stanford, California. He specializes in teaching and research in Humanities and Sciences, Engineering, Earth Sciences, Education, Business, Law, and Medicine. It was founded in 1891. Some famous graduates are Doris Fisher (founder of the clothing brand Gap), Sandra Day O'Connor (United States Supreme Court Justice), and Sally Ride (the first female astronaut from the United States to reach outer space).
Harvard University (United States)
Harvard University was founded in 1636, it is one of the most traditional universities in the United States. It has 12 faculties, among which are those of Medicine, Law, Business, and the Kennedy School, dedicated to researching and proposing solutions in the field of politics and international diplomacy. Some famous students are John F. Kennedy (former US President), Natalie Portman (actress) and Al Gore (former US Vice President).
University of Oxford (UK)
The University of Oxford is not only one of the oldest in the UK but in the world. Its foundation was approximately in 1096. It is made up of 38 schools and 6 rooms. The top three are St. Johns, All Souls, and Christ Church. Among his famous students are Adam Smith (philosopher and economist), Oscar Wilde (writer), and Benazir Bhutto (former Prime Minister of Pakistan).
California Institute of Technology (Caltech) (United States)
Caltech was founded in 1891. As its name implies, it specializes in technology, science, and engineering. Some of its most famous graduates are Vernon Lomax Smith (2002 Nobel Laureate in Economics), Robert C. Merton (economist), and Leland H. Hartwell (president of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle).