The classroom to study languages: characteristics and materials
When studying a foreign language, it is essential to do it from an environment of total or almost full immersion. This means that it is necessary to prepare the spaces in which we are going to work and study, with a series of fundamental characteristics so that we feel comfortable and immersed, almost like in a foreign country. Exactly the same happens with language schools, it is essential that they achieve this effect so that students interact with the environment that surrounds them as one more element that makes the teaching-learning process possible. In today's article we are going to talk to you about what the classroom should be like in which language classes take place or in which we study a language on our own, to get the most out of it and the full performance of our study of the foreign language.
Characteristics of the study space
When we study or carry out an activity with an intellectual background, it is very important to have a suitable place for it, that is, a space that allows concentration, comfort and high performance. Therefore, today we want to help you prepare the place of your study or your classroom where you receive your students, so that you can accompany them to advance from the best environment:
- It is a very special space, which you should try to have only that utility, with the intention of acclimatizing it to the maximum for the study of a foreign language and you do not have any impediments.
- In academies it is essential that a specific classroom be used for each foreign language, since each language requires its own material and process, its decoration and its uniqueness. Even, if possible and it should be, a specific classroom by levels. This will allow each group of students to really contextualize their learning and feel completely immersed.
- It is essential that the room has warm and pleasant colors that help concentration and do not alter the mood of the students. This is necessary, since the color of the walls and the furniture can be a source of great results or just the opposite.
- Do not load the furniture space too much, put only the necessary ones. It is essential that there is plenty of free space for students to move, since the dynamics of movement are fundamental in learning a language. It is not necessary to decorate, do it with what you really need and thus you will avoid building a very loaded and stressful environment.
- It is essential that the classroom has natural light and the more the better. This facilitates the study, it facilitates that the students are less stressed and that they are in some way in contact with nature. All of this will create a stress-free environment. For this, the classroom must have windows; the more and the bigger they are, the better.
- A well-ventilated classroom is necessary , free of odors and dust. This will create a very pleasant and well-being environment. Students will associate it with just that and they will feel very comfortable in it and eager to inhabit it and enjoy it.
- Necessary, of course, to have chairs and tables. It would be great if these could be moved and adjusted in a simple way, since that would allow different types of groupings to be made, essential in a language class to implement different dynamics .
- The rugs are essential, especially if you work with young students, young children. They give a lot of play to carry out group activities, sitting on the ground, thus avoiding the cold or the humidity of the ground.
- Do not forget all kinds of murals , cards, posters made by students that serve to be in visual contact with the language. It is essential that they are colorful, that they hang on the walls and that they look good. This will positively favor the advancement of the student and the acquisition of new lexical and grammatical structures.
Essential materials that all language classrooms should have
It is essential, both to study languages on your own and to set up a language classroom in which to work with students, to have a series of materials that will promote study and that will bring students closer to the culture and the target language. Pay attention:
- It is essential to have a blackboard, since no matter how much the tools for teaching-learning a foreign language evolve, the teacher or guide must have a place in which to write and that everyone sees it, to express themselves, to explain concepts, etc.
- It is good to have a good team to carry out work on the Internet, since it has now become a fundamental tool in the field of foreign language teaching. From a reliable computer or device, a good network and a good connection, to headphones, digital whiteboard, projector, etc. The entire team will favor the approach of the student of a foreign language in a more direct and playful way.
- Let's not forget to always have dictionaries in the classroom, both bilingual and monolingual. It is essential to use this tool on paper, since they are the highest quality and are necessary to advance in the study of a language. Students should see them, have them close by to become familiar and adapt and get used to working with them. It's fine to have a good digital version of one of these quality dictionaries, but don't just stick with that because technology can, and does, fail.
- In a place dedicated to study there must be books. Textbooks, reading books, books related to a specific part of grammar, activity books, guides ... It is necessary that they be within the reach of the students and that they take them and use them in some sessions.
- Don't forget the board games. They are an excellent tool to do playful classes, while learning and working. Remember to have several, according to the age of the students, according to the level and interests.
- It is also essential that you have material with which to create, from paints, colored paper, scissors, cardboard, glue, magazines, etc. Anything you can think of can serve as a tool to bring students closer to the foreign language.
- Posters, calendars, news, anything you can paste on the wall in a colorful way can be a great help for the immersion. Maps, postcards, everything you can think of.
- If you have small students, do not forget toys, dolls, everything that can help them play and express themselves in the foreign language.
And everything you can think of can be a great idea and contribution to work in class and have fun. Think about it, there are endless possibilities.