Summary protocol Covid-19 schools and nurseries (Community of Madrid)
The community of Madrid has officially said that it is ready to carry out its protocol, an action plan appropriate to the possible scenarios that may occur in the new school year. In this article, we present the most relevant measures contemplated in the protocol, regarding schedules, ratio of students per classroom, semi-presence model, action in positive cases, etc. with which the autonomous government intends to ensure the start of classes in the schools of Madrid in accordance with the state protocol.
A very ambitious project for the community of Madrid
Madrid is preparing to face the new challenge that the pandemic imposes on us, such as ensuring health and a smooth school year, insisting on the importance of transmitting "security" and "trust". Madrid is committed to attending the classrooms. To this end, the President of the Community has presented a rather ambitious plan whose cost amounts to around 370 million euros , based on:
−The hiring of almost 11,000 teachers .
−The completion of more than one million tests in the educational community, both for teaching and non-teaching staff.
−To know the situation regarding the impact of the virus in Madrid, a serological study will be carried out on more than 40 thousand people.
For his part, Deputy Minister of Health has the hope that the figure of the coordinator Covid in study centers will allow to respond effectively to the situation that can be given in coordination with epidemiological health.
Blended system
The community of Madrid will invest 70,000 computers for teachers and students, which will make it possible to follow up the classes by videoconference. At the same time , 6,100 cameras will be installed in the classrooms to carry out classes that could correspond through videoconferences, to fulfill their commitment to pursue online education.
In any case, the little ones (Infant and Primary) as well as 1st and 2nd ESO students will attend classes in person, while Secondary students (3rd and 4th ESO), FP, school for Adults and Baccalaureate will alternate face-to-face classes with telematics. However, students from Primary or 1st and 2nd of ESO who had to confine themselves have the option, with the agreement of the teacher, to attend the classes by videoconferences.
Action in the face of a positive case of coronavirus
The health authorities have the power to assess the changes from one situation to another that may be more beneficial or more unfavorable and whether a class should be confined.
The basis of the protocol is to maintain a proactive attitude in the face of any indication of a coronavirus outbreak in the classrooms, hence the hygiene measures are reinforced :
−As in other communities, there will be Covid coordinators in all centers. In addition, the Madrid community will hire 150 nurses in addition to the 400 who are already hired in the centers.
- 150 nurses will be registered and will join the 400 that already exist
- PPE, more than 9,500,000 masks and 650,000 liters of hydroalcoholic gel will be supplied .
- Municipalities will be subsidized to extend the cleaning contracts in force.
- Thermometers will be provided to the centers for the purpose of taking it to every person who enters a school.
- More than 1,000,000 tests will be carried out on the entire educational community, while periodic tests will be carried out on students and teachers in vulnerable situations.
- Finally, given the eventual impossibility of not being able to comply with the safety distance of 1.5 meters, the installation of partitions in the classrooms will be studied
Calendar for this school year 2020-21
The intention is expressed for 0-3 year olds to start on September 4. While special education, infant 3-6 years and Primary (1st, 2nd and 3rd) will be incorporated on September 8th and the 4th, 5th and 6th grade students of Primary will begin their studies on Thursday, September 17th .
For their part, the students of First and Second of ESO, Basic FP and Middle Grade will start the new course on Friday, September 18. For their part, the 3rd and 4th ESO students will begin on Wednesday September 9th . Baccalaureate students will also start on Wednesday September 9th. And Higher FP: September 28, and finally, the Adult School: September 14.
The obligation to wear masks
The use of masks will be mandatory at all times from the age of 6. Only minors are exempt from wearing it. Parents who accompany their children under 3 years of age must also wear a mask and will have to make the mandatory use of hydroalcoholic gel, whose temperature will be taken at the entrance of the centers. Finally, if the epidemiological situation improves, the mask will be compulsory from the age of 11.
What will be the ratio of students per class?
The Community of Madrid stipulates that both in Infant and Primary there may not be, in any case, more than 20 students per class, when before the usual were 25. In the cases of 1st and 2nd year of Secondary there will also be a maximum of 20 students per classroom. Finally, the maximum number of students in the Special Education classrooms must be 8 students per classroom.