Prepare for the DELF Scolaire exam with this guide
Are you studying in middle school or high school, do you like French and want to certify your knowledge of the language with a DELF exam ? Here we provide you with the information you need to properly prepare and obtain a French certificate.
What is a DELF exam and who takes it?
It is an assessment aimed at adolescents of foreign nationality from public and private schools to certify the level of knowledge or mastery of non-native French speakers around the world.
The Ministry of Education of the French Republic issues a Diploma of French Language Studies (or Diplôme d'Etudes en Langue Française , DELF) of an official nature, with permanent validity and international validity.
The body in charge of directing the assessment of French students who wish to obtain a language certificate is the French Research Center for Pedagogical Studies (CIEP), with the consent of France Éducation International (FEI).
DELF tests can be applied and assessed through various educational institutions around the world. In our country, the management is done through the French Embassy in agreement with the local educational authorities.
For the DElF Scolaire, there are four independent diplomas that comprise the first four levels of proficiency in the language established in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (MECRL).
For elementary level:
For independent level:
Although the diploma that is awarded is the DELF and the term "School DELF" is not specified, the structure of the evaluations is the same as the version for "all the public", and only differs in that the subjects and the materials are suitable for a school audience.
It should be clarified that there are also two levels of competence for experienced users (C1 and C2), but these exams are assessed through the Advanced Diploma of French Language (DALF).
Parts of the exam
The parts in which the DELF Scolaire is structured and the linguistic skills (written and oral comprehension and expression) that it assesses depend on each level.
Each of them (A1, A2, B1, B2) separately assesses the four basic communication skills: both oral comprehension and expression, as well as written comprehension and production.
What is each assessed skill?
According to the MECRL, the applicant to obtain a diploma in a European language at elementary and intermediate levels must know:
- Level A1 (Discovery)
Oral comprehension. Recognize everyday words and expressions related to the person and their immediate social environment.
Written comprehension. Understand simple words, names and phrases, both on signs and in catalogs and posters.
Oral expression. Participate in a simple conversation and make simple descriptions.
Written expression. Write short and simple texts of everyday life with very simple sentences.
- Level A2 (Survival)
Oral comprehension. Understand common phrases on personal topics. Extract main ideas.
Written comprehension. Read short and simple texts (advertising, schedules, menus and personal letters) and find specific information.
Oral expression. Communicate in simple exchanges on everyday matters, as well as simple descriptions.
Written expression. Write short, simple notes and messages. Relate main facts and express impressions.
Level B1 (Threshold)
Oral comprehension. Understand main ideas of a clear speech on everyday life issues, from television and radio programs.
Written comprehension. Understand written texts of daily life and the description of events.
Oral expression. Get involved in conversations about everyday topics or of personal interest. Link phrases in a simple way to describe experiences, dreams and ambitions.
Written expression. Write simple texts on topics of personal interest and describe experiences and impressions.
Level B2 (independent / advanced)
Oral comprehension. Understand long lectures and speeches; shows, news and movies.
Written comprehension. Read articles and reports on contemporary issues and understand literary prose.
Oral expression. Participate in conversations with a level of spontaneity and fluency, as well as in everyday debates, explaining and defending personal points of view.
Written expression. Write specific texts on a wide range of personal interest topics. Write essays or articles for presentations.
Recommended teaching material
For the DELF Scolaire and Junior A1:
- Liria Philippe, Sige Jean-Paul. En route vers ... le DELF A1 scolaire et junior.
- Godard Emmanuel, Liria Philippe, Sige Jean-Paul. En route vers ... le DELF A1 scolaire et junior: guide du professeur.
For the DELF Scolaire and Junior A2:
- Megre Bruno, Monier Mélanie. Réussir le DELF scolaire et junior A2.
- Jamet MarieChristine, Chantelauve Odile. DELF scolaire et junior A2 .
For the DELF Scolaire and Junior B1:
- Lepage Sylvie, Marty Roseline. Réussir le DELF scolaire et junior B1 .
- Lepage Sylvie, Marty Roseline. Réussir le DELF scolaire et junior B1: pedagogical guide .
For the DELF scolaire et junior B2:
- Barreau Delphine, Hulin Hélène. DELF scolaire et junior B2.
- Breton Gilles, Brelay-Meszaros Cécile, Mous Nelly. Réussir le DELF scolaire et junior B2 .
Exam duration
For the A1, 1 hour and 40 minutes. For A2: 2 hours. For B1, 2 hours and 10 minutes. For B2, 3 hours and 20 minutes.
Note: The individual oral production test can be applied on a different date than the collective-written tests.
Why have a French qualification?
Having a French certificate helps to have an excellent cover letter and a valuable element in anyone's academic or professional resume.
For those who intend to participate in academic exchanges to a French-speaking country, or to access a French institution of higher studies or universities, whoever has a French degree, according to the DELF level they accredit, will have greater possibilities of entry.
It is possible to register for the exam of your choice without having to pass a previous level, unlike the old DELF and DALF diplomas that did have this as a requirement.
There are numerous schools to prepare for this exam, either in person or online . Also, registrations are made directly at schools and recovery fees are established by the French Embassy in conjunction with local educational authorities.