Obtain the certificate of the German exam level B2 (GOETHE-B2 exam)
Why learn German?
Germany is a country with a history marked by great revolutions and unifications, a nation whose technological advancement, institutional and governmental credibility, and levels of quality of life make it the destination desired by more people every day. Cradle of great philosophers and scientists, it is a region that every month draws the attention of more people, either as a tourist destination or for academic training, and even as a work and family destination.
One of the great walls that most Spanish and English speakers encounter when traveling to this developed nation is, precisely, the language barrier. Many applicants for scholarships and jobs want to acquire German as a second language so that they can broaden their horizons and perform adequately in Germany, but many give up, finding the misconception that German is one of the most difficult languages.
Now, although it is true that the level of difficulty of the German has become famous in the circles of polyglots, it is also true that it is worth preparing properly and taking advantage of this destination that is among the most desired thanks to the level of quality of life enjoyed by the German population.
The reasons for learning German are many, apart from the fact that this language is booming, it means a challenge for personal improvement, together with the possibility of being able to aspire to a higher paying job.
The German B2 exam (Goethe-Zertifikat)
In order to obtain a German qualification or a certificate proving sufficient ability in this language, it is necessary to do adequate preparation, and it is at this point that you should have complete information about the exam and its key points.
The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (GER) has developed a scale of competencies that consists of certifications corresponding to six different levels (A, B, C) of which level B2 is the fourth. The Goethe-Zertifikat B2 is the German exam for young people and adults that certifies an advanced level of language that allows you to:
- Understand the main ideas of complex texts, both on concrete and abstract topics, including technical conversations about various specialties.
- Communicate easily with native speakers thanks to the good fluency and spontaneity acquired, in such a way that great effort is not required on both sides.
- Express yourself clearly and in detail on a wide variety of topics, as well as express points of view on current issues, pointing out advantages and disadvantages of different options.
The German B2 certificate is obtained by passing the GOETHE-ZERTIFIKAT B2 exam, which can be done in paper or digital format. The structure, content and evaluation of the exams is identical regardless of the format.
What are the parts of the Goethe b2 exam?
The GOETHE-ZERTIFIKAT B2 exam for youth and adults is made up of four modules, and they may be taken individually or in combination.
Three collective written modules that are:
1. Read,
2. Listen.
3. Write.
And an oral module in pairs or (in exceptional cases) individual:
4. Talk.
The 4 modules have a stipulated time for their completion, and are structured in such a way that if the four modules are completed on the same day, the written modules 1, 2 and 3 are normally carried out in a collective exam before the oral module, with the following time limits:
- Read: It lasts 65 minutes. In this module there are 30 elements and each one is evaluated with a measurement point, awarding 1 point if correct or 0 points in case of failure. The result is calculated based on a 100-point scale, so it is necessary to multiply each hit by 3.33 and finally round the result.
- Listen: With a duration of 40 minutes, it has a grading method exactly the same as the "read" module.
- Write: With a period of time of 75 minutes, the evaluation of this module is carried out by two separate examiners who follow defined evaluation criteria to achieve an objective score. The maximum score to be achieved is 100 points and the planned score in this module takes into account defined criteria known to the examiners. A third assessment is possible if one examiner's score is below 60 points, the other examiner's assessment is above 60 points, and the arithmetic mean exceeds 60 points. The third evaluation will be scored by a third examiner and will be taken as the final version of the answer sheet.
The total time of the written modules is around 180 minutes
The "speaking" module is usually done in pairs, although in exceptional cases it is also possible to do it individually. The exam in pairs, or individual, lasts 10 or 15 minutes. In addition, in the oral exam, both in pairs and individually, participants can have 15 minutes of preparation.
How is the GOETHE-ZERTIFIKAT B2 exam scored?
Each participant's exam grade is listed on the front of the certificate as points or percentages.
The ranges, from lowest to highest, are as follows:
- 0-59: failing grade.
- 60-69: enough.
- 70-79: satisfactory.
- 80-89: good.
- 90100: very good.
Materials for the practice of the GOETHE -ZERTIFIKAT B2 EXAM
Now that we have a rough understanding of the structure and composition of the German exam, how about a virtual tour of some of the most useful tools for studying?
In the first place, and as it should be, you must never miss having carried out all possible drills. In fact, the official website of the Goethe Institut allows an approach prior to the B2 level exam at the following link: http://bfu.goethe.de/b2_mod_2MX6/
Now, as a Spanish speaker, we can also find very important information about the exam on the official website of the Goethe Institut for our language, at the link https://www.goethe.de/ins/es/es/sta/mad/prf/gzb2 .cfm
And, if we want, we can have a printed version of study material in pdf that we can download for free on the following page: https://www.goethe.de/ins/co/es/spr/prf/gzb2/ue9. html? forceDesktop = 1
There we can also find audios and models of the exam, both for adults and young people.