Mistakes made when studying a language
At the beginning of the study of a language it is normal to make some mistakes. But these can quickly put an end to your illusions, if you are studying a language on your own and you have no one to make you see your mistakes. These failures can be minor and rectifiable if you are directed by a teacher, but you can also commit them, and due to the number of students it is possible that they are not appreciated by the teacher and, therefore, repaired. In both cases, mistakes can be overcome if the student realizes that he is failing. In these lines we are going to expose the most common errors that with a little that you put on your part, you will correct them without great difficulties.
Panic to make mistakes
The greatest enemy that haunts the early learner of a language is perfectionism. If you believe that everything has to be perfect and without errors, you are in great danger, because you may come to admit that a mistake is a personal weakness, and you do not take it as a great opportunity to correct and advance your learning.
You must be aware that you only make mistakes in things that you cannot do yet. The point is that if you only do things that you can do, logically, you will not learn. If you acquire a culture of error, you will see that it serves you positively when you are learning a foreign language.
If you have a few drinks, you will most likely start speaking the language you are learning and with some fluency. And it is so because in those conditions you do not care about the mistakes you may make. You speak and say as words and phrases come to mind. It is clear that you will make mistakes, but you also express yourself more fluently. And having made the mistakes, allow you to correct them.
Study without direction or objectives
If you do not have a reason to learn the language or if the reasons do not motivate you enough, you will have to look for causes and goals, otherwise failure will come, abandonment.
Indeed, when you decide to learn a language, you need to have a clear why in your mind. If it is for pure pleasure, convince yourself that you are capable of bringing it to fruition, that will serve as motivation. It will be very positive and encouraging to think about how you speak the language and what you are using it for, and imagine some next moment when you will need to use it. But if you are only studying one language to do so, it is very likely that you will not get anywhere, without a special motivation. Experiences tell us that learning takes time and effort. If you lack a clear objective in your mind, your motivation does not exist or is insufficient.
You wait too long to speak
At first you don't want to talk because you don't want to make mistakes until you can express yourself well. You probably hear from colleagues or acquaintances that they are not yet ready enough to start talking. You think it is logical. There is no reason to speak if you still cannot form a grammatically correct sentence. And you come to the conclusion that it is necessary to wait as long as necessary to speak. An example that is always taken into account in any facet of life is to compare it to a baby. He has to learn to crawl before he learns to walk. Otherwise, he will fall and become scared and take longer to walk.
However, by saying that you must follow a method from less to more in studying, we are not saying that you cannot speak until you have a high grammar level. Start speaking the foreign language immediately , now, because it does not matter what level you have and you speak with a native, using what you know naturally and the native will understand you and help you elevate and correct yourself and do not take his corrections wrong.
Don't always use the same learning material
It is not possible to learn any language if you only use a textbook, the same audio or language course. Under these circumstances you will only get to one level and you may get bored and give up continuing, because you will most likely get fed up with listening to or reading the same lessons all the time.
In the study of a language variety is very important , which is what really motivates you and in this way, you can approach your studies from different angles, because you will give yourself more and better understanding of the language in question.
Learn to listen
Learning to listen is of vital importance in learning a foreign language, but it is not the easiest, but perhaps the most difficult. Of course you will learn to speak relatively quickly, naturally, you will have to practice assiduously. But speaking is one thing, and understanding individual words in a sentence by a native speaker requires a lot more practice.
Listen as much as possible to native speakers , either through television, or through the music of audiobooks or podcasts. Communicating with native speakers also by various means is a good solution.
Controllable pace and consistency are of vital importance
If you are planning a trip, it is logical that the motivation to learn the language of that country is very high. In principle, under the thrust of illusion you will learn quickly for a few days, then disappointment can beat you, because learning will diminish. Disorientation can overwhelm you and jeopardize your study, so it is convenient to return to a workload that you are capable of mastering or you will no longer learn.
Ultimately, it is best not to start too fast . It can be ineffective if you multiply your learning volume overnight, because unfortunately you will not be able to maintain it for a long time and the result may be the opposite of what you were so excited about.