Faq. Preguntas frecuentes generales

Which English qualification is better?

When a reader asks us, Which English title is better?, It is most likely that you may be thinking, Which English qualification is right for me? You may be confused, because it really is not an easy decision and it may feel a bit overwhelmed. We are going to try to solve this question, although it is not easy.

The most important titles in English

English certificates abound although, not all enjoy the same prestige in the work and academic world.

In our opinion we can say that the best known and most prestigious for English British are:

−−ESOL of the University of Cambridge (First, Advanced and Proficiency) and the

−−IELTS (International English Language Testing System) managed by the British Council, Cambridge and IELTS Australia.

For its part, for the American modality, the

−−TOEFL (Test Of English as a Foreign Language) and the

−−TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication).

For academic or professional purposes

If you are still not sufficiently documented to choose the most appropriate degree, we recommend that you keep in mind the following characteristics:

−−The ESOLs of the University of Cambridge are general type certificates, accepted both in academic and work environments.

−−IELTS, for its part, is designed for students and immigrants who wish to prove your competence. About two million attend this exam every year of students and is accepted by more than 9,000 educational organizations, businesses and immigration agencies.

−−The TOEFL, on the other hand, is a title valued in the academic environment and is of great useful if what you want is that your children enter an American university or that take a master's degree. More than 10,000 study centers in the United States, Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom accept this title.

The TOEIC, finally this is a test that measures competence in the work environment to handle in English. Both understanding and producing messages in this language.

The expiration date, the biggest drawback

Some English qualifications are only valid for 2 years, so the students who obtain them will be required to take another exam at some point.

Although it must be taken into account that this expiration is not implemented by the entities issuers of the certificates but rather the receiving companies and institutions. Keep in mind that most degrees, such as Cambridge, TOEIC or IELTS are not awarded with a specific expiration date on the certificate. What happens is that if its holder loses the official title, the body where he has studied it may not commit to send a copy after the two years have elapsed.

In summary

It is not decisively determinable which English title is the best, although the exam centers do have a value gained from their vast experience. The quality in these cases is comparable to its usefulness, since the effectiveness of a title is in relation to the purpose of its use.

In order to have a more accurate opinion according to your case, you can consult our pages:




Consuta: Examenexam: All guides for official English exams


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