Faq. Exámenes Toeic

Important Changes for the TOEIC Speaking and Writing Tests

Major policy changes for testing  expression  oral and written  TOEIC 


ETS has introduced two policy changes effective June 1, 2019 to improve the TOEIC Speaking and Writing test experience:

  1. Note taking is now allowed during TOEIC Speaking and Writing test sessions. ETS will no longer cancel an examinee's speaking or writing score if notes are taken on test center approved scratch paper during a test.
  2. Preparation time for certain TOEIC Speaking test questions has been increased.

Note: These policies are not retroactive.

ETS periodically reviews the policies associated with its assessments and test administration practices to ensure that they continue to meet the needs of test takers and score users. ETS is implementing these two changes in an effort to increase test takers' comfort and allow them to perform better on the TOEIC Speaking and Writing tests.

New note-taking policy

  • Test takers can now take notes but can only use scratch paper and pens / pencils provided by test administrators and supervisors during TOEIC Speaking and Writing test administrations Test takers are not allowed to use their own scratch paper or pens / pencils. 
  • Test administrators and / or supervisors should collect all scratch paper and pens / pencils upon completion of test administrations. 
  • Test takers may not bring scratch paper or pens / pencils out of the test room at any time.

Extended time preparation for some questions of examining  expression  oral  TOEIC  ®

Preparation time for some elements of the TOEIC Speaking test has been extended. The following table compares the preparation time of the article before and after the changes.

Talking Item # Item Type Preparation time of the previous article (effective until 05/31/2019) New article preparation time (effective from 06/01/2019) Prep time change
1 Read out loud 45 seconds 45 seconds No change
2 Read out loud 45 seconds 45 seconds No change
3 Describe an image 30 seconds 45 seconds +15 seconds
4–6 Respond to the questions
  • Set preparation time: 0 seconds
  • 0 seconds after each question and before the beep
  • Set preparation time: 0 seconds
  • 3 seconds after each question and before the beep

No change

+3 seconds / question

7–9 Answer the questions using the information provided
  • Set prep time: 30 seconds
  • 0 seconds after each question and before the beep
  • Set prep time: 45 seconds
  • 3 seconds after each question and before the beep

+15 seconds

+3 seconds / question

10 Propose a solution 30 seconds 45 seconds +15 seconds
11 Express an opinion 15 seconds 30 seconds +15 seconds
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