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What does B1 level of English mean?

We then respond to the title question of this post. English level B1 is third level of English in the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), a definition of different levels of languages ​​written by the Council of Europe. In speech everyday life, this level would be called "intermediate" and is in fact the level descriptor official at the CEFR.

Conversation topics for B1 exams are the kinds of things that the people talk in everyday life. These topics usually include: home, family and friends, work and school, likes and dislikes and climate.

Skills at level B1

One of the questions you might ask yourself when reading this information is, what competencies linguistic characteristics characterize a person who can demonstrate that he has a B1 level in English? The CEFRL specifies the following:

−− Is able to understand the main points of plain texts in standard language if it is about topics with which you are familiar, whether in work contexts, study or leisure.

−−Can cope with most situations that may arise on a trip to areas where the language is used.

−−It is able to produce simple and coherent texts on topics with which it is familiar with or in which you have a personal interest.

−−Can describe experiences, events, wishes and aspirations, as well as justify briefly opinions or explain plans.

How long does it take to prepare the B1?

According to the University of Cambridge, it usually takes between 350 and 400 hours study to reach the B1 level of English. This equates to about two years dedicating 4 or 5 hours of study a week.

What does it take to pass the B1?

To pass the B1 you need an average grade of 140 (as seen in the first column of the graph). What is interpreted in this graph is that this student has got a mark on the B1 band in the Reading, Writing and Speaking parts.

Some topics that you should master perfectly are:

−−Comparisons and superlatives.

−−Second and third conditional.

−− Continuous future.

−− Manners.

−−Past continuous, perfect and simple.

−−Present perfect continuous.


−−Indirect style.

For everything related to the B1 of English you can consult us:




https://examenexam.com/es/es/examen-anglia-general-int ermediate-level-intermediate

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