Faq. Exámenes Toeic

What are the topics that I can find in the Toeic exam?

Here are some examples of the scenarios, situations, and formats you can find in TOEIC test questions:

◾  Corporate development: research, product  development

◾  Eating out:  business and informal lunches, banquets, receptions, restaurant reservations

◾  Entertainment:  cinema, theater, music, art, exhibitions, museums, media.

◾  Finance and budget:  banking, investments, taxes, accounting, invoicing

◾  General business:  contracts, negotiations, mergers, marketing, sales, warranties, business planning, conferences, labor relations

◾  Health:  medical insurance, visiting doctors, dentists, clinics, hospitals

◾  Housing / Corporate property: construction, specifications, purchase and rental, electrical and gas services

◾  Manufacturing:  assembly lines, plant management, quality control

◾  Offices:  board meetings, committees, letters, memos, telephone, fax and emails, office equipment and furniture, office procedures

◾  Staff:  recruiting, hiring, retirement, salaries, promotions, job applications, job advertisements, pensions, awards

◾  Purchases:  purchases, supply orders, shipping, invoices

◾  technical areas:  electronics, technology, computers, laboratories and related equipment, technical specifications

◾  Travel:  trains, planes, taxis, buses, boats, ferries, tickets, schedules, station and airport announcements, car rentals, hotels, reservations, delays and cancellations


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