Faq. Exámenes Cambridge

How much do you have to get in the Advanced to pass?

C1 Advanced, formerly known as Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE), is one of the Cambridge English qualifications. It's the deep, high-level qualification that shows you have the language skills that employers and universities are looking for.

Preparation for C1 Advanced helps students develop the skills to make the most of study, work and life in English-speaking countries. This exam is the logical step in your language learning journey between B2 First and C2 Proficiency.

A C1 Advanced qualification demonstrates that you can:

−− Follow an academic course at the university level

−− Communicate effectively at the managerial and professional level

−− Confidently participate in workplace meetings or academic tutorials and seminars

−− Express themselves with a high level of fluency.

Reasons to choose C1 Advanced:

Monthly test dates available at 2,800 test centers around the world.

Accepted by more than 9,000 educational institutions, companies and government departments.

It opens doors to travel, work and international studies.

C1 Advanced Scale Scores

Depending on the university, college, or organization you are applying to, you may be required to get a specific score or grade, either in general or for a particular skill. For C1 Advanced, the following scores will be used to report results:

Cambridge English Scale Score

Grade CEFR

CEFR level


Grade A



Grade B



Grade C



Level B2


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