Summary of the COVID-19 protocol School and nurseries of Asturias
The beginning of classes in Asturias was specified to take place on the 10th; However, an agreement has been reached to delay it, in order to have more time to facilitate the performance of the tests for teachers. The agreement admits the possibility that in the Infant and Primary levels the students will return on the 22nd, and in Secondary and Baccalaureate they would begin on the 29th, while the Vocational Training students will begin on September 30th.
As you can see, the instructions for this course establish that the access of students to educational centers is carried out in a staggered manner to avoid crowds. For this reason, the centers request the collaboration and responsibility of the families to guarantee that the security measures are kept and that the entries and exits can be done in a staggered manner.
General conditions
Resumption of face-to-face teaching activity and incorporation of all teachers, in all educational centers that teach the teachings established in article 3 of the Organic Law of Education in accordance with the school calendar approved for the 2020/2021 academic year.
It is also ordered the in-person incorporation of all teaching and non-teaching staff in the centers supported with public funds, in accordance with the school calendar approved for the 2020-2021 academic year, as well as for the preparation and / or performance and correction of the extraordinary activities in September.
Community protocol agreements
As you can see, the instructions for this course establish that the access of students to educational centers is carried out in a staggered manner to avoid crowds. For this reason, the centers request the collaboration and responsibility of the families to be able to guarantee that the security measures are kept and that the entrances and exits can be done in a staggered manner.
On the other hand, it has been agreed that teaching will be face-to-face from Infant to second year of ESO and semi-face-to-face from 3rd to second year of Bachelor. To guarantee the presence in the first block, smaller groups will be made and "stable groups of coexistence" will be formed, which will also share a dining room if they are users. From the 3rd year of ESO in each class, two groups of students will be formed, who will go to the classrooms on alternate days.
The day will be continuous, without extracurricular activities and with the maximum hygiene and prevention measures. These will be the main lines that centers, teachers and students will have to fulfill for the return to face-to-face classes in September.
To this end, Education undertakes to provide the necessary technological material so that there is a close relationship between what the students work at home and in the classroom.
Security measures
In order to prevent infections, both respect for the safety distance, hand washing, as well as ventilation and the generalized use of a mask from the age of 6 will already be part of the new reality of schools and institutes in Asturias, that its teaching staff will increase with 860 new teachers.
It is established that each educational center draws up a Contingency Plan that designates a "COVID-19 Team", led by a reference figure who is in charge of coordinating all issues related to the infection.
Special education
Face-to-face teaching activity is guaranteed for students from special education centers, regardless of the educational stage they are studying, at the specified time for each stage. The special education centers will organize the classroom activity and prepare a protocol, without prejudice to the general contingency plan as applicable. Said protocol will be supervised by the health authorities.
Complementary services of school transport and canteen
As long as the new normal phase exists, the complementary services of both school transport and the dining room will also be resumed in public educational centers where such services exist.
Extracurricular and complementary activities
All extracurricular activities and complementary activities in public educational centers will be suspended.
Contingency plan
The Ministry of Education undertakes to develop a general contingency plan for public educational centers that will have to be adapted to the different possible scenarios. This Contingency Plan will include:
−Measures for limiting contacts.
−Personal hygiene and prevention measures.
−Measures for cleaning, disinfection and ventilation of facilities.
−Management of cases and particularities of vulnerable students / staff. The case management will contain the precise instructions in order to prevent potentially infected people from attending the school, the procedure for action before the appearance of symptoms in any person during school hours and the monitoring of the causes of school absenteeism.
- Other measures in this regard are: reorganization of the center and spaces to ensure compliance with prevention measures and to be able to exercise control, necessary material resources, measures to avoid crowds, signs, communication, training and education for health in relation to COVID-19 infection, as well as the coordination of the centers with health services and Public Health, and the participation of families, among others.
Instructions for the new normal in general
- Stagger the start and end of school hours.
−Avoid conglomerations by organizing the periods and accesses to and from the center.
−Reduce to a minimum the movement of groups of students in the center.
- Maintain stable groups, and as far as possible organizing, the option so that the least movement among students from different reference groups and the least rotation of spaces is tended.
- Reduce interaction between groups.
- Establish limits to the grouping in common spaces such as corridors, rooms, offices or bathrooms.
−Powering the use of telematic resources for teachers' meetings.
−Limit face-to-face meetings with families, favoring telematic or telephone attention.
−Establish the necessary personal prevention measures with the particularities of people with physical conditions vulnerable to covid-19.
- Reinforce cleaning and increase ventilation in the center.
Incorporation of teachers
Vulnerable staff
Personnel with physical conditions that make them vulnerable to COVID-19 infection should join as long as their clinical situation is stable and allows it, and strictly maintaining protection measures. In case of doubt, the health service of the Occupational Risk Prevention Service must assess it.
People with COVID-19 symptoms
Those people who present symptoms or are in a situation of home isolation due to a diagnosis of COVID-19 or who are in a period of home quarantine due to having had close contact with someone with symptoms or diagnosed of COVID-19.
Entrances, exits and breaks
Inputs and outputs
The entrances and exits will be staggered in each educational center, taking care at all times to avoid crowds.
In public educational centers with a school transport service, the entrances and exits of the students must be carried out in order of arrival and departure of the buses.
There will be recess shifts for students, preferably in groups within each course, differentiating areas in the spaces available for it.
Complementary services
School canteens dependent on the Ministry of Education.
These dining rooms will be organized by stable classroom groups with established interpersonal distance. It is advisable to assign a seat in the same place to each of the users of this service.
The order of evaluation for the use of the dining room up to the maximum admissible capacity:
−The transported students with the right to free lunch.
- Students from economically disadvantaged families.
- Student contributor to early childhood education.
The rest of the contributing students will be by age group.
- In the case of children under 10 years of age, the dining room space and schedules should be organized so that each stable classroom group maintains its own space to eat and separated from another group of coexistence by at least 1.5 meters. In the case of people over 10 years of age, the arrangement of tables and chairs should be such as to guarantee an interpersonal safety distance of at least 1.5 meters.
The centers that have alternative spaces and that are not for educational use may have them for the organization of the school cafeteria.
School transportation
In school transport, it will be carried out under current regulations for public passenger transport that requires the use of a mask from the age of 6, except for those students who present some type of illness or respiratory difficulty that the use of the mask is harmful. Or that, due to their situation of disability or dependency, they do not have the autonomy to remove the mask, or they have behavioral alterations that make its use impossible. This circumstance will have to be alleged and proven at the time of making the request for school transportation.
Complementary activities
All complementary activities outside the school and center hours are suspended. Except for those complementary activities within the center during school hours related to the support programs for educational action (Contract-Program, PROA, STEAM) and educational innovation programs to which the centers have joined that do not involve educational interaction between the person alien to the center and the students and also respect the safety distance of the interlocutor or interlocutor with the stable group.
Collective activities that involve crowds within the school grounds will be avoided.
Extracurricular activities
Extracurricular activities are suspended, with the exception of those actions related to the students' orientation and reinforcement programs (PROA) for the centers attached to it.