Who corrects the Speaking of the Aptis exam?
The Aptis General exam is a test of knowledge of the English language, which measures and certifies your level of proficiency in that language. With this exam, we can accredit the different levels A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, and C2.
The exam is the same for all levels and depending on what you show during the test, you can obtain one level or another of certification. This exam is highly recognized by different public and private institutions, being highly valued in Spain.
What is the Aptis exam?
The Aptis exam consists of four tests that assess different English skills. These tests are reading, writing, listening and speaking. In addition, it incorporates a test of knowledge of vocabulary and grammar. The Aptis exam is carried out by computer and will always be supervised by British Council staff, who determine the level achieved by the student during the test and issue the corresponding certificate.
Speaking Aptis
Focusing on the speaking exam, the test consists of answering a series of questions that will be dictated by a computer program prepared for the occasion. When answering, the program will record your voice with the answers to the questions posed.
The speaking of Aptis consists of four parts. Each part is made up of three questions. In each part, the type of questions varies, from simpler to more complex, and the time to answer them. The way to answer the questions of each part is also diverse, some are based on the description of a photo that the program shows you, and in the last part, for example, you will have to answer the three questions at the same time and not one at a time, as in the previous ones.
Who corrects my exam?
The speaking of the Aptis tests, like the writings, are corrected by professionals, native speakers of the language and with experience in teaching English. These professionals work for the British Council, which is responsible for preparing and evaluating students' skills on the Aptis exams. They will be in charge of listening to your answers and scoring them according to their internal scale, in order to offer you the appropriate certificate for the level of English you show in the tests.
A great option to certify your level of English
As you have seen, the Aptis exams are an excellent opportunity to certify your level of English, since behind these tests there is an entire institution recognized and valued throughout the world of language teaching. Without a doubt, a great opportunity to learn, improve and get a certificate that proves your skills with the English language.