How many times can I take the Aptis exam?
Aptis is a British Council English test specially designed to help individuals and organizations assess their level of English. Depending on the version of Aptis that the candidate takes, the levels of the Common European Framework of Reference on Languages can be certified: A1, A2, B1, B2, C, C1, and C2.
Aptis is designed so that candidates can show their best. What they know is assessed, reflecting their level of English in the results.
How many times can you take the exam?
You can take the Aptis exam as many times as you want without limitation. The number of times you can be tested is not limited. However, under no circumstances may the results obtained in different tests be unified in a single certificate.
Re-registration for the Aptis Advanced version is restricted. If you wish to re-enroll for a new Aptis Advanced session, you can only do so on an exam date at least 3 months after your last Aptis Advanced.
In the event that you were to re-enroll for a scheduled session within this 3 month period, the British Council would contact you to offer you an alternative at a later date. If this alternative is not of your convenience, a full refund of the examination fee will be made.
Can only one skill be repeated?
In Aptis tests, you can not perform skills separately. You will have to retake the full exam.