5 ways and 3 tricks to learn a language
As time progresses we are doing more and more projects for the future, one of them is to study a language, although many times we do not know which one or how to study it, due to the different offers that exist in the market. From these pages we are going to inform you of 5 ways and 3 tricks to learn a language , so that you can choose the one that best suits your character and your learning possibilities.
1. Learn vocabulary
Our brain acts progressively and has several memory stages that usually go through the information before it remains in memory permanently. This is the brain's formula to quickly sift through useless information to focus on what is essential. The so-called five-subject system turns this knowledge into a learning trick. To do this, write the vocabulary on index cards and touch up or buy a box and divide it into five compartments . Every time vocabulary is learned, move on to a topic. After the fifth topic, the word should have landed in long-term memory. The method was developed by publicist Sebastian Leitner in 1973 .
2. Learn complete sentences
In order to use the new words correctly, students must learn new vocabulary in complete sentences. This prevents the word from being memorized but misused later. It is also very important that when communicating, the complete expression is correct. This means that some sentences may be correct, but are not used at all in the language.
Naturally, some words can also create correct or incorrect but unwanted associations. This is counteracted by learning complete sentences. Studies show that when children acquire a first language, they first learn complete sentences and then understand that they are individual words. A monolingual (online) dictionary can help you find sentences in which the word you want is used correctly.
3. Link words
The structure of the brain to learn or remember words is in the form of a network. The more connections there are to a word, the more likely it is that you can retrieve it and use it in a communication situation. They can be memories, feelings, or images. It is therefore necessary to trust yourself when you make mistakes: a mistake can lead to (funny) situations or conversations about the word or sentence in question. This means that you will be able to remember it better next time.
4. Create entry
It is a reality that the brain can continue to absorb things in the same way that a small child can do throughout life if it is fed. Therefore, you should be in contact as much as possible with the language you want to learn. They can be articles from online newspapers, movies, series or radio reports from international stations. Listening to music and dealing with texts can also offer a good opportunity to learn languages.
5. Aim for the limbic system to be positive
If you handle things in the language you study that are fun anyway, there is a positive side effect. The limbic system (part of the brain involved in emotions, hunger, and sexuality) positively helps the student and therefore promotes learning progress. Because negative feelings like stress and frustration suppress the cooperation of the nerves and impede concentration.
Three traps to learning a language
Errors when learning a language
If you've ever joined a gym you already know what it is: when you start with it, the illusion is great: everything is new and with the initial motivation you progress well. But when the first euphoria is gone and everyday life has returned, regular learning can seem like a hassle and turns into an ordeal. Here you need a lot of caution, because if you want to be able to speak a language well, you must stay in it constantly so as not to forget anything, this is essential. To stay motivated, you must be aware of the following pitfalls to counteract them in time and be able to achieve your goal.
Magic spells in different places
While it is true that learning languages with a different alphabet than yours, such as Japanese or Arabic, requires a lot of effort from the beginning, the exhausting phase in a language with a complex grammar is found elsewhere. Rather, the formation of sentences or texts can cause problems here. Other languages, like French, have a relatively simple grammar for Spanish learners, but due to the rich vocabulary, as an advanced student, you only realize that you still have a lot to do. It can be useful for you to discover what are the difficulties of the language you are studying so that you do not enter a demotivation phase. To do this, the teacher can and should address the problem specifically to help you or can ask a native speaker for advice.
Daily life, the enemy of useful habits.
Stress at work, little time, do not get concentration and then also learn vocabulary? Here it is best to divide the learning workload into small parts. So stay tuned and it will be easier for you to deal with the language because you don't have to get used to it over and over again.
If you are a person who always likes to do your job very well, you may want to have a perfect command of the language you are learning. But that can be quite frustrating, because perfectionism makes you impatient, since you can't master a language overnight.
The following fact may be encouraging: grammatical errors often do not detract from your understanding . Also, it is almost impossible to have a perfect command of a language. Therefore, you must show courage to take the air and continue to enjoy the language.