Faq. Exámenes Trinity

What is the Trinity College London certificate like?

How to understand Trinity certificates


Trinity College London certificates feature the following elements:

  1. Trinity College London coat of armor
  2. Award-winning organization name: Trinity College London
  3. Candidate name: appears exactly as registered 
  4. School name if provided 
  5. Trinity exam name and level
  6. Regulated qualification name and achievement level
  7. CEFR level * - regulated English language qualifications only
  8. Pass level achieved: for exams that differentiate levels
  9. Place of entry and dates.
  10. Trinity College London Chief Executive Officer Signature
  11. Relevant identification numbers
  12. Logo (s) of the relevant rating regulatory authorities 
  13. Trinity College London logo

CEFR  = Common European Framework of Reference for languages

Learn more about the   levels of achievement  and  authenticity of the certificate. 

Download a poster that represents an example of a typical language or music certificate.

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