Faq. Exámenes Trinity

What is Trinity College? What is the GESE?

On this occasion we are going to answer the questions posed by various readers interested in everything that surrounds the GESE title, at the same time they want to know What is the Trinity College?

Trinity College

Trinity College London ESOL is an international English language exam board that offers assessments on English language learning and teaching and has been offering English language exams since 1938. The Trinity College London exams are conducted by more than 850,000 candidates in more than 60 countries each year.

Language certificates offered include English, for speakers of other Languages ​​(ESOL) for Non-Native Speakers of English (Learning) and Teaching English for Speakers of Other Languages ​​(TESOL) for teachers of non-native speakers of English (teaching).

What is the GESE?

GESE is the English initials for Graded Examination in Spoken English, which translated into Spanish means: Graduated Examination in Spoken English.

Stages and grades

Graduate exams in spoken English -

Graded Examinations in Spoken English- (GESE) assess the ability of candidates to listen and speak. ,There are four stages with three grades in each stage:

−−Grades 1-3 - Initial Stage - Pre-A1-A2.1

−−Grades 4-6 - Primary Stage - A2.2-B1.2

−−Grades 7-9 - Intermediate stage - B2.1-B2.3

−−Grades 10-12 - Advanced Stage - C1.1-C2

Authentic communication skills for real life.

GESE is designed to support classroom teaching and is easily assigned to students curricula and general English language courses, and Trinity provides a wide range of guidance, videos, support and resources for each level.

The GESE exams are on purpose for people of all ages who want to develop communicative speaking and listening skills in English to  use them in real life, whatever the purpose, be it for immigration, work, study, leisure or employment.

To find out what the GESE exams are:


For Trinity exam dates and fees (GESE) and to register:


Composition and content of Trinity GESE 6 exams - B1.2 (B1)


Exam preparation books:


Where you can take the Trinity exams in Malaga


In Malaga

Where you can take the Trinity exams in Seville


In Seville

All the guides to the official English exams


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