Free resources to improve your English pronunciation

Take a look at today's article, in which we are going to leave you with certain tools and methods to learn to pronounce better in English. It is important to familiarize yourself with the accent and to distinguish the different phonemes Dec 4, 2020 #Formation #tips #English #learn English

Recommendations for studying a language on your own

Learning a new language is complicated and sometimes due to lack of time we put it off. Therefore, today we bring you a series of recommendations with which to learn any language on your own Nov 30, 2020 #Japanese #German #Italian #tips #recommendations #English #French #learn English

Is it very difficult for you to learn English?

Explanation and advice on why it is difficult to learn English, such as not spending enough time on it, comparing yourself to someone else or wanting to learn too quickly. Nov 27, 2020 #tips #recommendations #English #learn English

Learn English online and free

We give you the keys to learn English online and for free. There are different web pages with which to train and obtain a certificate proving your level. Nov 26, 2020 #English #Examen de inglés #learn English

Learn English around the world

Travel the world to learn English. Top 8 countries: Canada, USA, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, Malta, Ireland, UK. Tips for going to study and recommendations for activities or visits to make the most of your trip abroad while learning English Nov 26, 2020 #English #curiosities of English #learn English

Advantages of language exchanges for students

It is highly advisable and recommended to carry out a language exchange, since traveling is very enriching and in the short term presents many advantages for the academic, professional and personal growth of those who experience this possibility. Nov 25, 2020 #Japanese #Chinese #German #Italian #English #Curiosities #French #NOKEN Japanese #learn English

The latest trends in training: from the face-to-face model to the online model

Since the coronavirus crisis began in practically the entire world, one of the sectors that have been most affected in this regard has been training. Overnight, thousands of teachers and trainers have had to change their routines, methodologies and tools without having a prior idea of ​​what all this supposes and entails. Nov 25, 2020 #Cambridge #LanguageCert #learn English

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Examenexam Blog

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